Friday, December 29, 2006

Heroes and villains and Queen

Quote Brian May;
"...well, it's always a bit dodgy meeting someone you have really adored from a distance..."


(Reckon he'd know what it feels like, then!)

And, furthermore, these...well...recognisable words were spoken about a certain Catherine Tate - by whom all Doctor Who-fans were of course totally and happily surprised on Christmas day; when she featured in this year's infamous Christmas Special of the show, "The Runaway Bride". Which again, for the record, was absolutely brilliant. Loved the flashbacks, the Rose-references in general, the dancing, the very special ring-ceremony on the roof, the car-chase, the Empress of the Racnoss (spider-queenie!) and the Doctor-produced snow. Loved it!!! ...and this is, of course, totally and completely non-sensible for all those who haven't seen the episode yet, but still. As a fan, one must comment on such important events!


(And if I had met Brian May... I hate to admit; I would have been unable to speak, move or do anything at all - for that matter - I would have stood there, then, like some utter idiot and gaped and stared and groped for words. But apparently - and fortunately! - he would have understood. Really. It IS dodgy, even just to think about it. That being said; I would enjoy to meet him, though! A lot!!! So Brian, if you're reading this, please feel free to invite me out for coffee one day!)

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