Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A little for everyone...regardless of lingo!

And...more on people I wanna be like! Madonna...my goodness, how amazing is she! I just watched her concert in London, from the Confessions-tour, on TV - and I must say...well...nothing compares to the Big M! Singer, actress, dancer - and now, rock-GUITARIST!!! Guess she isn't a new Brian May just yet, but she was good... And if it was simply an act of playback, which I seriously doubt, she is REALLY clever at mimicry! What a show, and what a lightning, and what a crew, and what beautiful music, and what a gorgeous lady! In my next life, wherever and whenever that might be, I wanna be a regeneration (...) of Madonna. Definately!

Jeg HATER Tide-trafikk!!! Det skal ikke ta 25 fordømte minutter før det kommer en fordømt buss til det utvilsomme gjennomfartsstedet der jeg bor! Tide er herved omdøpt til uTide! Møkkamennesker! Og når bussen endelig kom var den stappfull...Og sjåføren brukte ørten nye minutter på å lukke dørene og få ut vekslepenger til utålmodige folk som skulle til by'n. Pluss at jeg nesten kom for sent på kino og det regnet. DRIT!! Altså: Jeg bor i en BY! Jeg betaler penger for å være miljøvennlig og benytte meg av kollektivtrafikktilbudet! Jeg vil ikke måtte beregne 30 min ekstra når jeg skal ut fordi Tide ikke vil samarbeide! Skjerpings!!! ...og det var dagens raseriutbrudd. Nå til:

Ich habe "Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie" auf Französisch mit Englishen Untertiteln gesehen, mit meiner Deutschen Freundin, die Norwegisch sprechen kann, aber trotzdem mit mir gern auf Englisch redet. (Puh.) Der Film war natürlich (und wie immer) sehr gut und alle beide haben sehr viel gelacht, ein bisschen geweint und noch mehr gelacht...Audrey Tautou, ich liebe dich! Und wenn ich jetzt auf Deutsch schreibe, und du nichts Deutsches sprechen kannst, verstehst du bestimmt ebenfalls...nichts...dennoch muss ich es sagen! Die Music, die Natur, die Schauspieler, die Farben, die Themen & Gespräche; alle sind ganz und zweifellos WUNDERBAR! Ach, wie ein guter Film dies ist...Macht mich glucklich - und froh!

Bienvenue, tout le monde! Je parle non Francais! Toutefois, j'aime bien jouer au piano...tel gross manqué! ...eh, tout ce qui! Et de toutes manières! MERDE!

Più vantaggioso...probalimente! Vorrei una croissant con cioccolato e uno birra! Per favore! Combinazione grande, va bene! Lalalala *sniff* Marlon Brando *sniff* lalalala Il Padrino, molto caro, mi amore lalalala! O sole mio, truddelidu!

(Why am I always doing that?!)

OK; I'll call it quits, for today. It's late anyway. And now, I'll leave it up to you guys to have a go at guessing what my native tongue REALLY is...pretty hard, right? Please - at least tell me it ain't too evident!

BUT, must add: Another adaptation of the rock musical from which I've collected my infamous nick just premiered in Zürich...with a German cast. Wow. It's spreading across the globe, and we should all celebrate! Weee! The contagious effect of GlobalSoft...ouuiii....and maybe we'll get a movie too, in a couple of years? I'll be more than happy to perform "my own character", if anyone proves kind enough to ask me!

Love, Madam Scaramouche!

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