La meg begynne med begynnelsen. Klokken halv 10 i dagmorges; jeg skulle rekke en buss.
Altså. Jeg tror bussjåfører (her i Byen i allefall) finner en slags absurd, sadistisk tilfredsstillelse i å kjøre fra potensielle passasjerer. Absurd, for de tjener jo ikke en dritt på det. Der kom jeg springende, oppover fortauet mot busstoppet, på fordømt høye hæler; og idet jeg var 2 desimeter fra bussdøren, tråkker den drittsekken inn gassen, lukker døren foran nesetippen min - og svinger ut. Klokken viste to minutter til angitt avgang på busstabellen, det kom flere folk løpende bak meg. Å, så surt! Jeg var ganske tydelig i mine intensjoner om å skulle rekke den bussen, det var ikke mulig å misforstå, og han kunne i det minste ha ventet da han innså at jepp, jeg var på vei mot bussdøren hans - men neida. Neida, neida. Og for å si det sånn, det er ikke første gang. Derfor spør jeg meg - hva ER poenget? Det kan ikke være annet enn et tragisk eksempel på "de små gleder" - og hvis plaging av uskyldige kollektivreisende er det mest underholdende disse sjåførene kan finne på, da vil jeg hevde at de har ALVORLIGE problemer oppi topplokket.
For the record; jeg rakk forelesningen - med tre minutters margin. Takket være iherdig småjogging oppover mot Universitetet... (vondt i hælene nå!) Jeg mener uansett at dette burde være unødvendig; det SKAL være mulig å beregne akkurat når bussene går hvert tiende-femte minutt, og det ER IKKE meningen at busser bare skal kjøre fra passasjerene sine! Basta!
Ytterligere - og vesentlig mer positivt, må sies; åpningsriffet på "Hammer to fall" er noe av det tøffeste som finnes. Brian, du er knall! Og Scissor Sisters ruler på dansegulvet - jeg gleder meg til å få "Ta-Dah"-albumet i hus! Man finner trøst i musikken, selv på dager da bussene ikke vil samarbeide og været er grått. (Det regner vannrett.) Vil også få poengtere at en runde med power-shopping er meget tilrådelig; da det har slik en sunn og oppkvikkende, humørspredende og energigivende effekt. Et siste tips må være å dra på kino, og her anbefales naturligvs "United 93" - en viktig film! - men kanskje ikke hvis man misliker usammenhengende telefonsamtaler og er redd for å fly....?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A little poetry...[untitled]
There's a strange sensation
in my trembling, aching heart
Rain of stones from asteroids
will tear its fragile walls apart
I fear - no less
Try to suppress
The knowledge of my being here,
this great, black void of in-between
I cry, unless
I stay, confess
Can't hear no voices, anywhere
This world destroys all self-esteem
in my trembling, aching heart
Rain of stones from asteroids
will tear its fragile walls apart
I fear - no less
Try to suppress
The knowledge of my being here,
this great, black void of in-between
I cry, unless
I stay, confess
Can't hear no voices, anywhere
This world destroys all self-esteem
Even More Than This...
Monday, September 25, 2006
"Doctor Who", a real tear-jerker!
Planet Earth. This is where I was born. And this is where I died. For the first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever... [Small pause, then her speech continues - now with a smile in her tone] And then I met a man called the Doctor. A man who could change his face. And he took me away from home in his magical machine; he showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end.
[The Doctor and Rose are now standing a short way away from the TARDIS on a rocky alien planet, looking out at the sunset. Alien birds flying high above. Impossibly beautiful.]
How long are you gonna stay with me?
[Cut to a dessolate beach - Rose standing alone in front of dark rocks and a pallid horizon, looking out to the sea, a gentle breeze blowing her hair, sadness written all over her face.]
That's what I thought. But then came the army of ghosts. Then came Torchwood and the War. And that's when it all ended. This is the story of how I died...
Russel T. Davies, du er OND!!! Hahaha...
Og Doctor Who er neppe særlig sunt, hverken for tårekanalene eller for følelsesmessig stabilitet. Herregud, at det går an å bli så revet med av en TV-serie. Huff! Gjør bare oppmerksom på at det er Doctor Who i reprise i morgen klokken et-eller-annet, på NRK2, og at dette selvfølgelig er obligatorisk å få med seg for dem som ikke allerede har sett den aktuelle episoden. Og et hyggelig, kjærkomment gjensyn som er viktig å få med seg for alle andre som allerede HAR sett den...!
(...and more quotes to come, by the way...jeg elsker screenplays!!!
Kredittering; - thanks a lot!)
Planet Earth. This is where I was born. And this is where I died. For the first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever... [Small pause, then her speech continues - now with a smile in her tone] And then I met a man called the Doctor. A man who could change his face. And he took me away from home in his magical machine; he showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end.
[The Doctor and Rose are now standing a short way away from the TARDIS on a rocky alien planet, looking out at the sunset. Alien birds flying high above. Impossibly beautiful.]
How long are you gonna stay with me?
[Cut to a dessolate beach - Rose standing alone in front of dark rocks and a pallid horizon, looking out to the sea, a gentle breeze blowing her hair, sadness written all over her face.]
That's what I thought. But then came the army of ghosts. Then came Torchwood and the War. And that's when it all ended. This is the story of how I died...
Russel T. Davies, du er OND!!! Hahaha...
Og Doctor Who er neppe særlig sunt, hverken for tårekanalene eller for følelsesmessig stabilitet. Herregud, at det går an å bli så revet med av en TV-serie. Huff! Gjør bare oppmerksom på at det er Doctor Who i reprise i morgen klokken et-eller-annet, på NRK2, og at dette selvfølgelig er obligatorisk å få med seg for dem som ikke allerede har sett den aktuelle episoden. Og et hyggelig, kjærkomment gjensyn som er viktig å få med seg for alle andre som allerede HAR sett den...!
(...and more quotes to come, by the way...jeg elsker screenplays!!!
Kredittering; - thanks a lot!)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Gratitude...and important aspects of my life.
Sometimes I just feel it appropriate with an exclamation of thankfullness...
(Les; dedikasjoner! Noen som kan erindre Hildes norskstiler...?)
And today was such a day. This thing ended up more like a summary of masterpieces, though, but I hope the list still lives up to the orginal intensions...
In short, I wanna thank the following;
To Kate Chopin, long gone but hopefully not forgotten...Thanks for providing fond readers all over the globe with your unparalleled masterpiece in American realism; "The Awakening". I love, love, love, love that book... Not more than I love "Buzz Aldrin..." or "Mrs. Dalloway" or "Call from the wild" (which you guys probably know by now that are my favourite books...! Hehe...) But that story...oh my God...Edna Pontellier, I felt sorry for her beyond belief...what a wonderful personality! What a wonderful woman! Yes, what an indeed wonderful character... Doesn't feeling such sympathy for a fictional person make you just absorbed in happiness? That's what it's like for me, anyway!
To Russel T. Davies, who gave us back Doctor Who, and to Christopher Eccleston who made the Doctor really come alive...for the first time in many years...and who gave him that particular look; the attitude, mind, heart & soul which won't ever be copied properly by anyone, and let's all be happy for that. No-one quite like you, Chris! :)
To two great bands; first off, Scissor Sisters, the only contemporary, international band in the world to have understood how to follow up first-album-masterpieces in a proper way. The only "problem" is, I DO feel like dancing...! And to Briskeby, the best Norwegian band in the world. I've had the pleasure to watch them play LIVE now, finally. SUPERB. Lise Karlsnes is the best...female vocalist...ever...
And then, finally, to the best MALE vocalist ever ever ever, and his band: I'd like to thank Queen, because I always feel the need to thank Queen. Simply because I always have and always will love Queen more than any other group of musicians in the UNIVERSE. And Brian May deserves a thanks as well, simply because he's so smart and has so much respect for nature, people and the divinity of great music. There is one true fact in my world of thought; Queen has never made a bad album. On the contrary I would say that all of Queen's album are masterpieces in their own fashion. And - Brian May is a hero, of whom his fans can be proud. It's an exceptionally good thing, adoring Mr. May!
And that's about it. I should perhaps thank Gerry for being Gerry, but you know - that's kinda obvious. Kinda - it's a given. Hehe. (That was Gerry BUTLER, by the way. Also called GERARD BUTLER...Star of Phantom of the Opera...just thought I oughta mention it...!)
Ciao, folks!
(Les; dedikasjoner! Noen som kan erindre Hildes norskstiler...?)
And today was such a day. This thing ended up more like a summary of masterpieces, though, but I hope the list still lives up to the orginal intensions...
In short, I wanna thank the following;
To Kate Chopin, long gone but hopefully not forgotten...Thanks for providing fond readers all over the globe with your unparalleled masterpiece in American realism; "The Awakening". I love, love, love, love that book... Not more than I love "Buzz Aldrin..." or "Mrs. Dalloway" or "Call from the wild" (which you guys probably know by now that are my favourite books...! Hehe...) But that story...oh my God...Edna Pontellier, I felt sorry for her beyond belief...what a wonderful personality! What a wonderful woman! Yes, what an indeed wonderful character... Doesn't feeling such sympathy for a fictional person make you just absorbed in happiness? That's what it's like for me, anyway!
To Russel T. Davies, who gave us back Doctor Who, and to Christopher Eccleston who made the Doctor really come alive...for the first time in many years...and who gave him that particular look; the attitude, mind, heart & soul which won't ever be copied properly by anyone, and let's all be happy for that. No-one quite like you, Chris! :)
To two great bands; first off, Scissor Sisters, the only contemporary, international band in the world to have understood how to follow up first-album-masterpieces in a proper way. The only "problem" is, I DO feel like dancing...! And to Briskeby, the best Norwegian band in the world. I've had the pleasure to watch them play LIVE now, finally. SUPERB. Lise Karlsnes is the best...female vocalist...ever...
And then, finally, to the best MALE vocalist ever ever ever, and his band: I'd like to thank Queen, because I always feel the need to thank Queen. Simply because I always have and always will love Queen more than any other group of musicians in the UNIVERSE. And Brian May deserves a thanks as well, simply because he's so smart and has so much respect for nature, people and the divinity of great music. There is one true fact in my world of thought; Queen has never made a bad album. On the contrary I would say that all of Queen's album are masterpieces in their own fashion. And - Brian May is a hero, of whom his fans can be proud. It's an exceptionally good thing, adoring Mr. May!
And that's about it. I should perhaps thank Gerry for being Gerry, but you know - that's kinda obvious. Kinda - it's a given. Hehe. (That was Gerry BUTLER, by the way. Also called GERARD BUTLER...Star of Phantom of the Opera...just thought I oughta mention it...!)
Ciao, folks!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Realizations! (A film-review actually...)
The previous chapter being entitled "two recommendations", I found it appropriate to name this one "realizations" - more or less as a direct opposite. Not saying that I am wiser or in possesion of more insight today than I was at former occasions, however; I would simply like to point out how I feel more aware, at this moment, of the ongoing incidents of my life... That might sound excessively poetic, and I admit I do strive to be quite like the poets whose works I continuously induldge in, but isn't it a bit - amusing?
Anyway! (And I like that word...) I came to realize there are stereotypes in this world remarkably constant and seemingly unalterable. No; this was more of a conclusion, actually, and it was caused by the watching of an American movie called "The sweetest thing". Well, the impression I was left with after the finishing of the credits was in fact faaaar from sweet. I'd rather say "grave". I do not intend to claim that the experience was wholly cruel or intimidating, too speak bluntly I was just disappointed. The main attraction of the movie, Cameron Diaz featured as the archetypal, silly BLONDE, with two equally archetypal friends, the BRUNETTE and the BLACK-HAIRED. They were all cast and styled and portayed in the most archetypal, boring ways imaginable. A hippie-surfergirl-dancer, a suit-wearing, classic, wannabe-ironic chic and a calmer, unlucky, seeminly-charming cashier. Exactly.
I could predict every, single step of the movie as it went along, and the ending was also - unsurprisingly - unoriginal. Although it was a bit relieving, since it marked the END of the tragedy. Of course, as a comedy, it did have its moments. Connections to well-known movie-classics, some musical-like sequences, even an obvious reference to Thelma & Louise...But in the end, "The sweetest thing" couldn't live up to those classics at all; it was plainly embarassing at times.
And my question is; why - and how! - do people construct movies like these, and for which audience to the creators believe they create them? The silly chic-lit-lookalike plots, the "sweet guy" who must be regained, the three friends who reunite at the end to share experiences and reconsider their life-styles, they girl who doesn't want to commit but falls head-over-heels and discovers she wants to marry this stranger-suddenly-turned-Love Of Her Life after all... My goodness, I do not even have to include a plot summary; it must be evident to anyone what happens next! And I hate it. I really do. Because I suspect watching this kind of movie is common entertainment and source of relaxation for plenty of people (women? is it really made for women??? I am not sure I want to know for sure...) out there.
Plotless, pointless, dangerous fun, that is. Dangerous, since it makes us uncritical and unconscious of quality; it makes us lazy and unaware of how the society creates norms. For instance; I am absolutely incapable of identifying with any of the women in this movie. (Least of all Cameron Diaz's character who is a blonde like myself.) I hope every girl is. But we are SUPPOSED to identify and care for them. Cheer for the characters during their everyday-struggles and as they encounter more serious problems. And if this IS girls' entertainment, I tell you - we deserve better. We deserve quality. Even for a romantic comedy - I mean, who said they have to be low-grade? All audiences and people with any kind of preferences deserve good stories and original characters they can relate too. Everyone deserves better than this, anyway, when paying for a cinema ticket. Indeed; I am delighted to know that the cable-TV where I live is FREE. Or else I would be furious.
So, after this extensive summary and commentary of this stupid, stupid, stupid, archetypal movie-shit, I'd like to round off by saying:
Goddamn you, sometimes - Hollywood. AAARGH!
Anyway! (And I like that word...) I came to realize there are stereotypes in this world remarkably constant and seemingly unalterable. No; this was more of a conclusion, actually, and it was caused by the watching of an American movie called "The sweetest thing". Well, the impression I was left with after the finishing of the credits was in fact faaaar from sweet. I'd rather say "grave". I do not intend to claim that the experience was wholly cruel or intimidating, too speak bluntly I was just disappointed. The main attraction of the movie, Cameron Diaz featured as the archetypal, silly BLONDE, with two equally archetypal friends, the BRUNETTE and the BLACK-HAIRED. They were all cast and styled and portayed in the most archetypal, boring ways imaginable. A hippie-surfergirl-dancer, a suit-wearing, classic, wannabe-ironic chic and a calmer, unlucky, seeminly-charming cashier. Exactly.
I could predict every, single step of the movie as it went along, and the ending was also - unsurprisingly - unoriginal. Although it was a bit relieving, since it marked the END of the tragedy. Of course, as a comedy, it did have its moments. Connections to well-known movie-classics, some musical-like sequences, even an obvious reference to Thelma & Louise...But in the end, "The sweetest thing" couldn't live up to those classics at all; it was plainly embarassing at times.
And my question is; why - and how! - do people construct movies like these, and for which audience to the creators believe they create them? The silly chic-lit-lookalike plots, the "sweet guy" who must be regained, the three friends who reunite at the end to share experiences and reconsider their life-styles, they girl who doesn't want to commit but falls head-over-heels and discovers she wants to marry this stranger-suddenly-turned-Love Of Her Life after all... My goodness, I do not even have to include a plot summary; it must be evident to anyone what happens next! And I hate it. I really do. Because I suspect watching this kind of movie is common entertainment and source of relaxation for plenty of people (women? is it really made for women??? I am not sure I want to know for sure...) out there.
Plotless, pointless, dangerous fun, that is. Dangerous, since it makes us uncritical and unconscious of quality; it makes us lazy and unaware of how the society creates norms. For instance; I am absolutely incapable of identifying with any of the women in this movie. (Least of all Cameron Diaz's character who is a blonde like myself.) I hope every girl is. But we are SUPPOSED to identify and care for them. Cheer for the characters during their everyday-struggles and as they encounter more serious problems. And if this IS girls' entertainment, I tell you - we deserve better. We deserve quality. Even for a romantic comedy - I mean, who said they have to be low-grade? All audiences and people with any kind of preferences deserve good stories and original characters they can relate too. Everyone deserves better than this, anyway, when paying for a cinema ticket. Indeed; I am delighted to know that the cable-TV where I live is FREE. Or else I would be furious.
So, after this extensive summary and commentary of this stupid, stupid, stupid, archetypal movie-shit, I'd like to round off by saying:
Goddamn you, sometimes - Hollywood. AAARGH!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Two recommendations!
1. An ingenious quote from a story which at times was a bit lame, yet had a slight touch of elegance to it, which I couldn't resist: "Daisy Miller: A study" by Henry James. Ok, so dear old Henry and I share the same initials, a love for the urbane and the above-mentioned elegant - and a partiality to sceneries reminiscent of "Sound of Music"! - but in addition to this, the story was also (to a certain extent) quite interesting. Another aspect of quality was that it reminded me of "A good woman"; a movie featuring, quite simply, the best actress in the world - Scarlett Johansson. (You may disagree, but I'm right.) Anyway, there was a statement made by the title character Daisy, which alone made the reading worth-while: "I have never allowed a gentleman to dictate to me, or to interfere with anything I do." Got that, you over-protective fools??? Hahaha!
2. The song "School" by Supertramp. Listen to that unbelievably fantastic harmonica-opening, and you'll understand why Once Upon A Time In The West still maintains its ardent imprint on my heart... Nothing compares to the cool-ness of a western-film fellow with a harmonica 'round his neck! ;)
2. The song "School" by Supertramp. Listen to that unbelievably fantastic harmonica-opening, and you'll understand why Once Upon A Time In The West still maintains its ardent imprint on my heart... Nothing compares to the cool-ness of a western-film fellow with a harmonica 'round his neck! ;)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Johan Harstad - flinke mannen!

Dette er Den Nye Store innen norsk litteratur, tro meg... Dessuten; jeg har møtt fyren og han er skikkelig kul å prate med i tillegg. Det finnes med andre ord ingen grunner for å ikke la seg rive med! Siden jeg er leder av den høyst offisielle, om noe størrelsesmessig begrensede, fanklubben til samme Johan Harstad, må jeg nesten poste viktig informasjon om ham her...Derfor skal dere ikke se bort fra at det dukker opp nyheter og trivia om Herr Harstad på bloggen min i tiden fremover!
Ciao, folkens! Og for å sitere Johan: "HOLD UT!" Hehehehe...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Whitman & I
My first "official" post...concerning what I am reading right now...
(It's typical, by the way, that my first, real post here should deal with literature...simply because my life, at the moment, consists mostly of reading. Naturally, of course, being an student of English - as I mentioned below - but still. Very well. It'll have to do...)
Ever heard of Walt Whitman? No? (YES? You're attending ENG122, then? BLAH! I KNOW he's famous...!) He's written this beautiful poem called "Song of Myself" which I would like to quote here... Enjoy!
From section 7!
"Has any one supposed it lucky to be born? I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it. "
"I am not an earth nor an adjunct of an earth,
I am the mate and companion of people, all just as immortal and fathomless as myself,
(They do not know how immortal, but I know.)
Every kind for itself and its own, for me mine male and female,
For me those that have been boys and that love women,
For me the man that is proud and feels how it stings to be slighted,
For me the sweet-heart and the old maid, for me mothers and the mothers of mothers,
For me lips that have smiled, eyes that have shed tears,
For me children and the begetters of children."
So...BEAUTIFUL!! And highly recommended, dear readers... Copyright Mr. Whitman of course, all rights served and all that... But I think he would be flattered...! :)
My first "official" post...concerning what I am reading right now...
(It's typical, by the way, that my first, real post here should deal with literature...simply because my life, at the moment, consists mostly of reading. Naturally, of course, being an student of English - as I mentioned below - but still. Very well. It'll have to do...)
Ever heard of Walt Whitman? No? (YES? You're attending ENG122, then? BLAH! I KNOW he's famous...!) He's written this beautiful poem called "Song of Myself" which I would like to quote here... Enjoy!
From section 7!
"Has any one supposed it lucky to be born? I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it. "
"I am not an earth nor an adjunct of an earth,
I am the mate and companion of people, all just as immortal and fathomless as myself,
(They do not know how immortal, but I know.)
Every kind for itself and its own, for me mine male and female,
For me those that have been boys and that love women,
For me the man that is proud and feels how it stings to be slighted,
For me the sweet-heart and the old maid, for me mothers and the mothers of mothers,
For me lips that have smiled, eyes that have shed tears,
For me children and the begetters of children."
So...BEAUTIFUL!! And highly recommended, dear readers... Copyright Mr. Whitman of course, all rights served and all that... But I think he would be flattered...! :)
In wonder...
I really don't know if I should write this blog in Norwegian or English...and as regarding most other uncertainties of my life, I suspect the result here will be some kind of weird micture. Bear with me, folks! I suppose I can write sections in both languages, as well... Studying English and all, this will provide excellent practise!
I am getting more into this blogging-stuff too...already...meaning my blog might probably look a little more *fancy* in a while from now. But for the time being: A nice, but somewhat dull standard template and no pictures... Wait and see, though! I'll try my best at! Hehe... Ok, anyway, this is my attempt to communicate with the world in a very modern and trendy way. How - fantastic! I'll post small notes about myself and my life, and of course elements that gave reason for my starting such a blog in the first place: posting quotes and phrases and movie-lines - which I love! Where else would be better for such publication? I can start right away with a first-post including some info on what I've being working on today...
I am getting more into this blogging-stuff too...already...meaning my blog might probably look a little more *fancy* in a while from now. But for the time being: A nice, but somewhat dull standard template and no pictures... Wait and see, though! I'll try my best at! Hehe... Ok, anyway, this is my attempt to communicate with the world in a very modern and trendy way. How - fantastic! I'll post small notes about myself and my life, and of course elements that gave reason for my starting such a blog in the first place: posting quotes and phrases and movie-lines - which I love! Where else would be better for such publication? I can start right away with a first-post including some info on what I've being working on today...
Hello, darlings!
...for å sitere en viss Mr. Mercury...
Nå er jeg jaggu i gang med å blogge her, men jeg tror kanskje jeg må lære meg litt mer før dette kan bli særlig avansert... la oss nå se hvordan det går!
Jeg mååå jo bare begynne med et Brian May-sitat!
Fra messenger'en min: "At Freddie's 60th we will all celebrate the path he trod, and be proud that we still tread it."
Fra 5. September; en forsinket bursdagshilsen! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. MERCURY...miss ya!
Nå er jeg jaggu i gang med å blogge her, men jeg tror kanskje jeg må lære meg litt mer før dette kan bli særlig avansert... la oss nå se hvordan det går!
Jeg mååå jo bare begynne med et Brian May-sitat!
Fra messenger'en min: "At Freddie's 60th we will all celebrate the path he trod, and be proud that we still tread it."
Fra 5. September; en forsinket bursdagshilsen! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. MERCURY...miss ya!
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