Monday, September 25, 2006

"Doctor Who", a real tear-jerker!

Planet Earth. This is where I was born. And this is where I died. For the first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever... [Small pause, then her speech continues - now with a smile in her tone] And then I met a man called the Doctor. A man who could change his face. And he took me away from home in his magical machine; he showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end.

[The Doctor and Rose are now standing a short way away from the TARDIS on a rocky alien planet, looking out at the sunset. Alien birds flying high above. Impossibly beautiful.]

How long are you gonna stay with me?

[Cut to a dessolate beach - Rose standing alone in front of dark rocks and a pallid horizon, looking out to the sea, a gentle breeze blowing her hair, sadness written all over her face.]

That's what I thought. But then came the army of ghosts. Then came Torchwood and the War. And that's when it all ended. This is the story of how I died...


Russel T. Davies, du er OND!!! Hahaha...
Og Doctor Who er neppe særlig sunt, hverken for tårekanalene eller for følelsesmessig stabilitet. Herregud, at det går an å bli så revet med av en TV-serie. Huff! Gjør bare oppmerksom på at det er Doctor Who i reprise i morgen klokken et-eller-annet, på NRK2, og at dette selvfølgelig er obligatorisk å få med seg for dem som ikke allerede har sett den aktuelle episoden. Og et hyggelig, kjærkomment gjensyn som er viktig å få med seg for alle andre som allerede HAR sett den...!

(...and more quotes to come, by the way...jeg elsker screenplays!!!
Kredittering; - thanks a lot!)

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