Friday, September 08, 2006

In wonder...

I really don't know if I should write this blog in Norwegian or English...and as regarding most other uncertainties of my life, I suspect the result here will be some kind of weird micture. Bear with me, folks! I suppose I can write sections in both languages, as well... Studying English and all, this will provide excellent practise!
I am getting more into this blogging-stuff too...already...meaning my blog might probably look a little more *fancy* in a while from now. But for the time being: A nice, but somewhat dull standard template and no pictures... Wait and see, though! I'll try my best at! Hehe... Ok, anyway, this is my attempt to communicate with the world in a very modern and trendy way. How - fantastic! I'll post small notes about myself and my life, and of course elements that gave reason for my starting such a blog in the first place: posting quotes and phrases and movie-lines - which I love! Where else would be better for such publication? I can start right away with a first-post including some info on what I've being working on today...

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