Friday, August 14, 2009

omg! just lost my eyes

things I would like to tell Hollywood reporters,
if I could, it's possible to
not hate someone, and not date that same
someone, sometimes, just
makes me feel completely absurd,
whenever they post their purple bullshit
they show me your face, I go
what's with that face?

and the shortcut tops that swing inwards when you
dance the fun away the nights all long,
promoting your singing, it's your leggings they watch
or lack of such, when you even forgot
what's underneath
your aging is disgraceful, as it is
when you climb into your car
never with a hint of grace, and makeup cake for face
what would anyone be thinking
when they put on that orange tan to go along
with dressed-up do's and hairy don'ts
and coifs that need a wash, then
probably their language too
I love me some
people knowing how to make my day of misery
get better, take me out of it,
with all their miserable luxury
should've gotten all the clues by now
that you're never ever simply rockin', you're always
rocking somethin' in the wrong direction
at the right event
for everyone to spot and never be spot-on
you need a judge, when life's too tough
to compensate for anyhow
and now, have lost my eyes
no longer to be seen and see with me
the little funny moments, never could they
it's my delightful pleasure,
and it's stained with guilt

proudly citing: daily fail, oh-my-geez, bizarro sun, og vg-tett-i-pappen; for jeg er litt lei av å lese om kjendisene mine på denne måten på båter i karibien uten klær på med en joint i kjeften vær så snill å finne på noe annet ja?

{men: tanke, det blir jo dikt av det.}

1 comment:

Randi said...

Poeten skriver gode gode dikt om det som opptar henne - ingen kan formidle ordene bedre enn poeter - derfor så viktig med poeter som tar seg litt plass i bokhandler verden.