Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Notes on a Scandal and Impossible Love

(of mine)

[writings in english, in order to ensure that certain sense of distance...again]

I have been to see the fantastic, cruel, movingm disurbing, beautiful and - simply - incredibly inducing piece about the whims of the human mind and the ever-unpredcitable lunatics, just ordinary people, which made it even mpre scary. Plus, there was this amazingly hypnotizing Philip Glass, one of my personal favourites among film-music composers. Alongside Morricone and the other masters. Whoa!

And to Judi Dench, the Dame above all, she RULES and REIGNS the kingdom of British entertainment! I humbly join in with the rest of the appraising crowd! And for once, Bill Nighy wasn't funny at all, he was purely brilliant and both he and Cate Blanchett delivered such sober, poignant performance which definately qualify for the uppermost of critics' appreciation. In a word: wow! And here's some inspired poetry.

By Scaramouche, the po(t)et -
"I possessed not, nor could I possibly possess"

Impossible Love! and all the terms
that apply
to desire, and being desired, I guess
is more than glances
you thought you saw
and a wink, behind a half-closed door,
was more than footsteps
fading away,
'suppose it all fades; in time,
but does change grant us improvement,
does it make it any better,
does the tornment impair

am I introduced by beauty
do you see what I saw in the mirrors,
how should I learn, how should I ask
is that contempt or pure content,
with which you turn and step out of my range
yes, I watched over you
at least I tried
there were lots I did uncertain
without practise, so tell me if I failed
tell me not, my ears are closed,
as I am too, but long too much, without much longe,
to open up to you

why we let our children's play with guns,
and watch TV till repercussions may burst out
parents see not, it's no use
when heartbreaks will kill them after all
and that's no matter what we do
it's such a wicked thing

it's such a wicked world, of love and war
and everything's allowed
yet felonies are rampant, and
unlawfulness is all,
especially within this cube,
this cell they called a heart
we were meant to be torn, and torn apart

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dette er god lesning - du kreative poet sjel