Saturday, November 24, 2007

Remembering the Titan

[Image: The King of Queen onstage, striking a familiar pose. No-one but him, none better! Courtesy of Queenzone's Freddie Gallery, thanks a lot, all rights served.]

Got a small comment in store on this Saturday evening, technically pre-midday, just about, with more than a small percentage of alcohol still left in my blood, and my head being a little fuzzy and my whole body a little tipsy - not solely due to the very moderate partying, I must admit, but also as a result of feeling slightly worn out from intense school work and massive lack of sleep. Can't stop me from writing, though! ;) So, what's new? Let me think. Exciting, fascinating, groundbreaking, pioneering news; not really, but significant nonetheless! - for today marks the 16th year of music business going on without Freddie Mercury. Our beloved Mr. Bad Guy, the one and only, died on the 24th of November 1991, and that of course makes this whole day a bit sad, to say the least, a date with depressing connotations more likely. Yet there is so little we can do about this awful unalterableness of death; all I can manage, in honour of this great artist, of his work and of this special calendar moment, is to put on one of his records. Turn up the volume on "Foolin' Around", and enjoy. Completely. Revel in this unique vocal technique that he alone could produce. An indescribable talent that no superlatives can measure up to, no praising words can cover sufficiently. So a smile will have to do. Similarly, all I can tell the man himself, is that wherever you are, Freddie, wherever you've gone to, I hope you're happy, genuinely happy; I hope you get to sing and play and have fun and just be yourself, and - most importantly - that you're admired for it. We miss you so very much and we keep wishing you were here, that the course of time and destiny didn't have to be so unfair. We will remember you, always, and make sure - as much as we possibly can - that your works live on in the memory of your posterity, and all coming generations as well. Moreover, that you may keep your legend status in the mind of the common man, that people will regard you with appropriate respect and awe for the rest of our days on earth. That's a promise. Come to think of it, I didn't even know the man, I was three years when he died. Imagine what a loss he must have caused upon the people who were close to him! The ones who adored him the most and depended on him. For instance, the other remaining Queen member probably miss him even more than their massive amount of fans altogether, and here's what the newly proclaimed Doctor Brian May has to say about the matter: Cut to SoapBox. I second that, wholeheartedly. R.I.P, Freddie darling, from all your beautiful people - and with love, especially, from Scara. And congrats to Brian with his doctorate and various degrees of nobility, we're mighty proud of you - our very own rock'n'roll academic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ingen over ingen ved siden......sånn er det bare fremdeles