Monday, October 02, 2006

Returned to Oz

This is the return to Oz...The grass is green, the birds they sing and the temperature is veeery comfortable. And they say this city's full of bad weather? My God, I think they must never have been here...what a beautiful sunset taking place outside my window, by the way! - and what gorgeous surroundings I can rest my eyes on! I feel like fucking Walt Whitman!! Who is a genius, for the record, but still! I went into the woods to learn to live deliberately, or something like that - yes, I went home, away from this, er, Oz (?...!) and I found purpose to my life - meaning I retreived the beauty and vigour of pure nature, and yet - I've returned and the purpose lingers! Oh joy! As I said, oh Whitman!

Ok, and - again - for the record; I have NOT gone mad - this is merely a result from a "sweet-home-country-roads"-visitation, for the last couple of days, and a somewhat overdone amount of Scissor Sisters all through the weekend, and jeeeez how I love that new album of theirs!!! Me luva Jake Sheers too, yes! And it's so cute; I heard this rumous he wanted to marry his boyfriend onstage during their upcoming tour...AND they're collaborating with Super-Sir-Elton John, they've got Master Bryan Ferry on the list of credits, they more or less recreate most of the brilliant sounds and sets from the first album - and I am just ferocious with joy! Haha! WHITMAN! You make me soooouuu weird! And weird indeed...

Jadda. Meaning yeah-hoooo. I think I better quit.
Squirrel (?!)

Naaah...overdose of woods, more like, rather than overdose of Scissor Sisters.

I have absolutely no clue whatsoever, but it's kinda fun.

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