Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bond i Beijing, med mer

Siste nytt på den Scaramouche-relaterte delen av sladderfronten:

  • Daniel Craig besøkte nylig Kina i anledning den kinesiske premieren på "Casino Royale". Og da Craig the Clown var ute på rekognoserings-tusletur i Beijing - ugjenkjennelig takket være hatt og solbriller, ifølge ham selv - ble han likesågodt tilbudt en piratutgave av filmen på DVD! Og jeg må holde meg veldig hardt for ikke å le her, nå. Det som derimot setter saken i et litt mer positivt lys er at: 1) CR er den første Bond-filmen som får lovlig kinopremiere i Kino, og da er det tøft at hovedpersonen selv tar seg en tur for å overvære og kaste glans over begivenheten - og 2) "...det gjør meg trist. Det er en fantastisk opplevelse å gå på kino. Du går glipp av den hvis du ser på en dårlig kopi av en DVD", sitat Daniel Craig, og jeg må jo si meg aldeles enig i det. Ikke noe mobbing der, nei. Men, puh, da kan jeg kanskje få lov til å le av de noe komiske, mentale forestillingene av Mr. Blond med flosshatt og digre, mørke solbriller...? Skumpf.
  • Vokalisten i Norges Aller Beste Band, Briskeby, det vil altså si Lise Karlsens, skal pryde Vero Modas reklameplakater og -kampanjer for våren '07. Hun blir nå, fullt fortjent, fremstilt som Norges Stilikon Nr. 1 og den faste designeren hennes Nanna Heiberg (som jeg digger) får litt etterlengtet promo og jeg sier bare; HEIA LISE!
  • Scissor Sisters skal visstnok besøke Quart-festivalen i år. Jeg vil helst ta del i den moroa. Noen andre som har lyst å bli med? ;)
  • OG: hva jeg mener om The Valla+Yssen Catfight, Playboys Kelly Osbourne-nekt (i den rekkefølgen, ja), Mariah Careys Playboy-ja, Idol-Tones nettsjekking, Poshs klesstunts, Celeb Big Brother-skandaler - med mer? Njeee..."Kunne ikke brydd meg mindre", blir liksom ikke helt dekkende. Jeg får sitere Nemi i stedet; "EG GJER FANDEN!" (Ok, men jeg leser fortsatt Se Og Hør, da. Hyklerisk som jeg her. Hihi.)

Who would have known...


...without artists producing lines like these;

"You talk real loud, but you ain't saying nothing cool,
I could fit your whole house in my swimming pool!"

And thus, here comes an ode to my favourite contemporary artist,
largely inspired by her new album, "I'm not dead"...

"Being like you" - dedicated to P!nk
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et

when what you have become is
but the last remains of your poetic times
and you've traversed the seas
then you shall find yourself waiting, still

when what you have been taught
is transformed into vague reminiscences
and you cherish only subtle moments
then you shall find yourself wanting more

when what you have brought to life
confines itself to a volume none would read
you look no further than to your thumb
then you shall find yourself wishing it's gone

when what you can turn your back on
is a circle, and tomorrow'll promise no twirls
you break your pen and burn your books
but please don't, for
then you shall only find yourself wrathful

the world you make up, is what you make use of,
and what you make out of the rests
the changes you create, though may make you crazy,
are critical to your success

take it with a twist and just screw the scrubs, silly
for you are the only one who
can ever be only like you

*Lyspære over hodet*

Man er ikke en selvstendig voksen før man har blitt i stand til å fjerne, identifisere, kjøpe og skifte lyspærer. Har jeg funnet ut. Om ikke annet følte jeg meg i allefall ekstremt moden og fornuftig da jeg stod der ved kassen på Safari med den riktige pærepakningen i hånden, og -ansvarsfull som jeg er - umiddelbart tok fatt på å mekke badelamper da jeg kom inn døren hjemme. Men så begynte jeg å tenke. Hvis modenhet, eller i det minste en følelse av sådan, oppnås allerede ved gjennomførelsen slike nokså ubetydelige bagateller - gjør ikke det modenhet i seg selv til en bagatell? (Eller et resultat av en bagatell?) Og når bagatellene er unnagjort og man sitter der i stillheten og badelyset skinner som aldri før, hva skjer da? Hvordan forløper utviklingen videre? Hvordan vil min nye verden, sett med mine nye og modne øyne, fortone seg? Og hva slags påvirkning vil jeg utsettes for gjennom økt modning, etterfølgende ytterligere bagatellmessige, daglige plikter og andre "voksne" handlinger?

Jeg tror ikke modenhet er noe som egentlig oppstår eller skapes i løpet av et sekunds åpenbarelse. Jeg tror ikke nødvendigvis at modenhet er noe man tilegne seg på et tidspunkt i livet og bør blir straffet for om man ikke behersker. Jeg er av den oppfanting at modningsprossesn er langsom og langvarig, faktisk kan den vare ut alle ens leveår. Og selv etter å ha gjennomgått mange nok lyspærutskiftninger, gjennom å utfordre seg selv på denne måten og teste egen nevenyttighet, teste ut egne kvalifikasjoner, vil man stadig og fortløpende modnes. Man får et annet verdenssyn og verdensbilde; en annen måte å angripe vanskeligheter på. Først var det å skifte sengetøy en utfordring, så mestrer man det, og når man da for eksempel skal gå løs på sying og reparering av nevnte sengetøy, blir dette enklere enn hva det ville vært om man ikke hadde lært seg teknikkene med å skifte og vaske det på forhånd. Simpelthen fordi man da allerede har kommet over bøygen som innebærer å stifte bekjentskap med begrepet/problemet/tålmodighetsprøvelsen populært kalt husarbeid.

Det er bare en tanke. Kanskje en del av en modningsprosess. Og definitivt et resultat ov omgang med husarbeidsmessige trivialiteter.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


...and while I'm at it;

This is what the apsiring and obedient, young student Scaramouche produced during her grammar class today. (Not solely except for taking notes, though. And I did listen. A little.)

"A lasting imprint of relation" -
sweet, last notes on love and the Doctor. From a Rose-POV.
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, heavily occupied with tingling Murray Gold-tunes and some dreadfully vivid crying scenes. But it becomes a good deal emotional poetry, though! C.f.: DW season 2/season 28 - episode 13; "The Beach Scene"...*SOB!*

Love is never having to say "I'm sorry" - Take a hint, Ten! ;)
Still, sacrifices must often be made
When striding in ancient men's footsteps
Defeating evil, together; it's no game

People might seem disappointed
Voices may rise in upset
But she was fortunate; what she reached out for
Was comfort she knew would be there

Travelling in spaces and meddling with time
Allusions, inquiries would flourish
A single toe placed outisde the wooden doors
And adventures absorbed her again

An oncoming storm soon approaching
Such safety no more to be found
Ironically yearning for danger
And never stop looking behind

Now, shadows on every corner
A reference in every song
Pictures resembling the faces
Clothes, looks and joy she can't wear

And she would have given up anything
To relive just a second, an hour
The happiest moments, of sweetness
Longing, like desperate, for a hug

And yet sometimes she wakes up, panting
A distant voice calling, from afar
Memories from a beach view before her
She'll miss and she'll cry, and she'll smile


And I do hope it got the rest of you to miss and cry and smile quite a bit as well! At least I did, that's for sure. Been doing that October, as it were.

The end of a world and the end of an era

Dare I say this is, if not THE, then at least MY

(And at the same time, let me just consent to the fact that it IS a bit funny - and spookey! - how Doctor Number Ten should be named David TENnant...!)

"The end of the world and through - to the other side"
[might be just a draft]
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, #1 Who-fan and loyal supporter of D & R. C.f.: DW season 2/season 28 - episode 13; "The Wall Scene"... *Doomsday-angst all over again*

she held her hand against the wall
for the world had disappeared
taken back reality in a flash
yet she had stepped out of the void

she knew not if she felt the water
or the taste of iron in her mouth
but she sensed the warmth of another palm
yet it was only concrete that she touched


she thought she had an arm laid
around her shoulders, or a joke told
to fool away whatever she might miss
or was perplexed by a riddle

she thought she heard the trotting
from a couple of worn-out Converse shoes
or had a brown coat placed over her, while she slept
on the dock of an alien spacecraft

she thought she held that hand again
ran down some desolate Cardiff alley
saw the universe unfold, reborn anew
a narrator whispering explanations in her ear

she thought she was lifted up high
towards the roof of a traveller's machine
smile to smile, reunited, once again
a connection none could ever comprehend

she thought she'd heard a promise
but it was just a mutual hope
certain truths are hard to handle
chasing monsters on your own

she thought she knew the calm after a storm
a disaster just avoided, or a death just barely shunned
the whoosing of old, creaking engines
yet there'd be none to save her now

the words of most importance are not perforce
the ones we speak most strongly and most loudly
her home was not the one that she once left
but the one to which she now could not return

she thought they'd go down together, as always
in unison, as uniform, inseparable as he'd defined
she knew the mind, she knew the terms
the secrets she could bear, through love

and the love must hold her up now
keep her going, grant her strength
knowing she won't be abandoned
as journeys end, another will begin

for after laughter comes the sorrow
it's the wisdom we label age, and loss
and to continue, helped by no-one's
an ordeal that only memories can mend

magic, unlike any other, she always can recall
the knowledge and the power carried with her
yet in all their hearts a pain will also linger
it was herself, her own fate, she had not foreseen


so she hesitantly turned away, from the wall
to face the scenery that came into sight
she was taken aback by emptiness around
but she knew she'd sworn never to forget

and all in all, she's already realized
as recent becomes past and past shall fade
numerous stories she'll tell, wildly grinning
about the times when living was at its best

for though the parting might be final
there's still one to walk the walk of life with her
in-vision, in her mind, inside, forever
through all that they had owned and never missed

wouldn't have missed it for the world

Monday, January 29, 2007

Desperate Measures

En smålig desperat po(t)et søker et publikum. Så vi prøver på norsk. Her følger;

"Ønsker om nytt farvann"
Av Scaramouche, po(t)eten, Spellemannsprisen nesten. *Grøss*.
(På en annen side kunne jeg alltids donert bort statuetten til nytt dørhåndtak på Garage...!)

Noen må hjelpe en strandet småpike
hvis lykkebarometer svinger
Der hun tumler avsted og fullstendig på måfå
med avskårne vinger
På isen er alle skosåler glatte og i mørket
er ulvene usynlige som få
Bak skuret finnes der spøkelser som leker gjemsel,
men ingen trenger å stå

Gi piken et svevende kyss,
det vil gjøre henne mo og blussende rød
La tomrommet svirre rundt sin egen måne,
det er en berusende sjø
Ta fra henne disse lenkene, la henne gråte og le,
gjør det mulige mulig
Skogen er utrygg og gaten er øde,
men oppi det hele finnes meget finurlig

Når natten omsider gir valuta for søvnen
og med den kommer muligens smerten og sorgen
Men smilene lusker bak drømmelands skyer, hold fast
i en venns hånd mens det lir mot morgen
For jeg vet at vi alle er ensomme iblant
slik som blikk trekkes til seg på ferden
Men om øyne kan åpnes og ører kan lytte,
kan óg armer strekkes ut imot verden

Sunday, January 28, 2007



"to stop
and understand"

By Scaramouche, the po(t)et; political and proud of it.
I take my stand and I do it with my head held high.

on your special day
in your narrow box
with an audience to listen
an a thousand faces to judge
and be judged by

yes, well

if you had known
the roses on her cheeks
if you had felt
the sweetness of her lips

would having conquered her heart
seemed such an ordeal
to you?

if you had heard
the thrills of her laughter
if you had spotted
that twinkle in her lady eyes

would tearing her apart, piece by piece
seemed more impossible
to you?

if you had got
goosegumps from her fingernails
on your plump footsoles
if you had sensed
her fair skin against your rough
yet still a great deal manly

would the obstacles in your way, when placing that ring
upon her finger have been less prominent
to you?

if you had been warmed
by her smooth palms
against your stubbles
if you had been stroked
like a child, yet much a man,
despite her troubles

would yelling, screaming, swearing
have come not quite that easily
to you?

would walking out on her, night after night
have been less likely a choice to be made
by you?

would silencing the crying by force, 'cause
you couldn't bear the aftermath,
been harder
to you?

yes, well

if you had heard
the firmness of the goodbye
she never got to say

if you had born
the blame within her soul
she never rid herself of

if you had opened
the lids you always closed
and tried to mind

if you hadn't had it all
and let it got to waste,
if you had ever dared

then, finally;

when her whispers soon fade out
and the beauty falters, you're just
bending over another immobile figure
a still life in white, her bruises being
decorations that never gained you any prize
a sculpture you made, a craft of your own
reflecting now all the self-inflicted guilt
you'll claim you never saw,

would it have seemed
less of a probable solution
if it had all been known
to you?


"If anyone should wish to have me shut my silly mouth and get a life - well, then you can all go to Hell and I'm sure you'll feel very much at home there!" - Candice Troughton

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Road to the Oscars - a premonition

My personal preferences, amongst those recently nominated:

(Disclaimer: I admit to not having seen ALL the motion pictures in question, in other words all those that are up for the big prize, but these are the ones I myself consider to be worthy of and strongly deserving an Academy Award and amongst the ones I have singled out, I have witnessed all live and in action.)

Best Motion Picture of the Year

The Departed (without an itsy-bisty-teeny-weeny-blink of a glimpse of a flicker of doubt. Best gangster-epic EVER!)
(Also up for consideration: Babel. But - more to follow!!)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role

Leonardo DiCaprio for Blood Diamond
(Because he wasn't nominated for "The Departed", which he should have been, and WHERE THE HELL IS JACK NICHOLSON???????)
Peter O'Toole for Venus
(Because this is his 8TH (!) nomination and because he didn't get one for "Lawrence of Arabia")

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role

Meryl Streep for The Devil Wears Prada
(Although we all know Helen Mirren is going to win...I am entitled to hope!)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role

Mark Wahlberg for The Departed
(Imagine - finally a personal B-movie favourite actor of mine is up for the Big-O! WEEE!)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role

Rinko Kikuchi for Babel
(Extraordinary nod to Asian movie-making!)

Best Achievement in Directing

Clint Eastwood for Letters from Iwo Jima
Stephen Frears for The Queen
Paul Greengrass for United 93
Alejandro González Iñárritu for Babel
Martin Scorsese for The Departed

If I had to choose, though, I would say Iñárritu for "Babel", because he handled such difficult themes and such different actors/environments in such an oustanding way - and because Clint and Marty have already won similar awards on a laaarge number of occasions. But...well...they could do with a few more, I guess. (And come to think of it, Marty has in never actually WON an Oscar, just been nominated.) BUT - WELL! - INSTEAD, TO MAKE IT BLOODY EASIER, LET ME NOMINATE CHRISTOPHER NOLAN FOR "THE PRESTIGE"!

Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen

The Queen: Peter Morgan OR Babel: Guillermo Arriaga

Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published

The Departed: William Monahan

And let's hope Pirates wins in the special effects categories and Black Dahlia gets one for cinematography and The Prestige gets one for (unfortunately insignificant) Art Direction.

(And furthermore. I know I have no power in the world when it comes to altering these nomantions, and thus I will spend little time debating and arguing over the wrong-doing that some of them constitute - mostly due to the injust omission of certain actors and movies. But I will make a small comment just because it is necessary; I would feel even more awful without having stated the following. For instance - and once again! - BOOOOOO to the jury for neglecting to nominate Johnny Depp as our Favourite Pirate. A small compensation that they dared nominate Marky Mark but I am still far from content. And what about The Prestige and Casino Royale??? OYH!)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Altfor sent og altfor sentimental

...strengt tatt er vel klokken bare ti på halv elleve, men jeg er åpenbart i trøtteste laget. Her er enda mer o, hjerte smerte fra frøkenen som ikke kan slutte å falle - hodestups, håpløst, ulykkelig og, vel, uungåelig. IGJEN.

"Change my heart" eller: "Cardiac Control" eller, eventuelt:
"If you can't give me love, then fuck off."
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et - too much Suzi and too little sleep.

If I could pick my destiny, pick anyone at all
Guess I'd be happier than now
Wouldn't need to sit and wait for him to call

Put on a Suzi Quatro record, sway across the room
Guess I'd be singing loudly then
Wouldn't need to worry; or fall to pieces far too soon

Paint pictures of open water and rejoice in the snow
Guess I'd be hopping merrily around
Wouldn't need to glare out of my window, like I'm doing now

If I could learn to never care and never wonder
Swear it never meant a thing
Wouldn't need to lie here hopelessly and ponder

Transmat beam me away and let me cease my pointless trotting,
I'm tired of always getting stronger
I cannot be a captive of a broken heart's yearning, sent off its course,
I'm not sacrificing my sleep any longer

Help me help myself and let you go

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Etter å ha sett "The Prestige" på kino i går, har jeg funnet grunnlag for å trekke følgende konklusjoner:
  • Jeg elsker Hollywood.
  • Jeg elsker det faktum at man kan hyre in kremen av kremen av kremen av Hollywood-skuespillere og danne et ensemble av en annen verden, fullstendig magisk, bokstavelig talt, og jeg elsker at noen kom på den geniale idéen og gjenbruke velfungerende team: Johansson + Jackman og Nolan + Bale + Caine. Cheers!!
  • Scarlett Johansson er besnærende pen. Kan få sammenligningskvaler av mindre. (Her skulle det for øvrig fantes et godt, norsk ord for Agonizing Convictions of Inferiority. Men det eksisterer visst ikke.)
  • Tryllekunstnere er tøffe!! Helt og absolutt übertøffe! Og det må jo være et gedigent yrke å ta sikte på, når det gjelder min fremtidige karriere. Om ikke annet, så være en Scarlett-kloning og jobbe som assistent/pen dame for Hugh Jackman. DET hadde vært noe det.
  • Og apropos; jeg vil gjerne gifte meg med nevnte Hugh Jackman. (Hvis Gerry ikke vil ha meg og Chris synes jeg er for ung. LOL. Eller hvis stakkars Hugh tilfeldigvis ikke har lyst å forlate sin nåværende kone. - Da må jeg eventuelt begynne å bearbeide sønnen til Brian May. Eller noe.)
  • Det er morsomt å dra på kino med venninner som synes Hugh Jackman (og Christian Bale) er minst like kjekke som det jeg synes selv, og som har minst like stor interesse for gode filmer som det jeg har selv, og som er minst like engasjert i diskusjoner omkring filmen etterpå. Nicey! :) Men å nevne i en bisetning alle de kommende filmene man har lyst å se i mens man egentlig skal se en helt annen film akkurat der og da, er dét noe å blir "mobbet" for??? Og det faktum at jeg vil gifte meg med Hugh Jackman, når ble det urealistisk? Og SÅ til de grader lattervekkende? Hmmm... (Jeg kan se det humoristiske i dette, jeg HAR selvironi. Litt i allefall. Hihihihihi.) *smilefjes*
  • David Bowie ser rar ut med bart.
  • David Bowie HØRES rar det hadde kanskje ikke så mye med barten å gjøre. (?) Forbausende god skuespiller, derimot, det må jeg si.
  • Tenke-filmer gir litt vondt i hodet, men økt intelligens. Og evne til å resonnere abstrakt & infløkt i de filmatiske dimensjoner. (Jvfr. Pulp Fiction og Memento og The Matrix.) Woohoo.
  • Hvis man skal lage en oppfølger til Batman Begins, med fullstendig samme cast & crew (dog forhåpentligvis uten Katie Holmes), kan Hugh og Scarlett få bli med da???

Trying out new stuff...

Scaramouche, meaning me, is currently trying to improve her blogging skills. And HTML-decoding. First off is an attempt to post YouTube videos. And my goodness, was this difficult! See; I have to admit, I'm not such a technical expert. Or nerd, in a complementing way. Though, I'm quite a fan of tech in general. But yes, I AM one of these YouTube-fanatics/maniacs who spends way too much time watching and re-watching favourite, filmed moments - preferrably from TV-series and shows that I love. Such as, well, the following...

I was watching the Golden Globe Galla on STAR a few hours ago, and then I was suddenly reminded of the National Television Awards, sometime before Christmas, when Doctor Who swept the various award categories and won ALL. (...that matters, anyway.) Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Show. Not only did the series triumph massively there and then; Doctro Who simply, and amazingly, reprised their success from last year - when it won exactly the same number of awards in the same categories! And regarding the category of Best Actor, David T. couldn't settle with an ordinary, "thanks to everyone"-commonfolk speech. Oh no. (And the thing is, I feel I can also relate to his reaction - in certain ways - cos I believe I would've done just the same!) SO: Lookee here!!

And by the way. BBC recently invited viewers and others who might be interested to vote for the Best of 2006. The results where overwhelming; neither here did the Doctor Who-crew intend to be modest...thus, they didn't conquer a few, they conquered ALL! Even Best Homepage! And we, the fans, can only applaude. Because, it was of course well-earned and well-deserved. Congrats - to the Best Sci-fi Show EVER!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Art of Dancing

Experimenting with various rhyme patterns, this is my attempt to write "sensible bullshit". That being said, making bullshit sound more sensible has always been my goal. Here goes, a bit more Jerry Lee-inspired, Madonna-influenced (!) stanzas of poetry - not song this time! - no melody yet, anyway! - and I do hope my readers like it.

"Dancing Skills" - Comparison between gentlemen
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, and self-proclaimed Dancing Queen.
(Well, maybe not, but I do like Dancing and I am hopelessly devoted to Queen. So.)

I was unaware, as he approached, so don't go criticizing now
I know a shift's upsetting, but please baby, take it slow
I can't help being beautiful, in this my dancing dress
Apparently he thought so too, though he looked like a mess
Waltzed me onto the dancefloor, to an upbeat song
He seized such brutal hold of me, I found it best to move along
While I kept good appearances for show, he played a beast
His standard disappointing, and that's to say the least

Constant stomping on my toes and that's a habit
No real dancing partner ought be sticking to
So yeah, I might be dancing with another
But I'm always coming back to dance with you

Jerry Lee Lewis + Charles Dickens = ?

(For those of you who think that Scaramouche can only produce poetry, here's a little song!)

"In the shadow of a passing dame" - For Pip and Estella
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et,
inspired by Jerry Lee Lewis and Charles Dickens in an Exquisite Combination.
Bet you didn't see THAT fancy comin', now, didya? :)

I was wondering where to place my feet
when you're gone
And I went a-thinking that I might consider
moving further on
Kept on creeping and I don't know what
to say anymore
Don't know how to neither speak nor
think, for sure

I ventured out on a journey, a slow-motion
trip across the seas
Or maybe I didn't go that far, but my baby
never begged me to please
Come on home and rest by the fire she'd make
cos she'd make none
I knew that when I returned, my homestead'd
be empty and my baby gone

Yeah, you swung your coat around your shoulders
with a stuck-up nose
Reckon there ain't no other woman in this world
who could strike such a pose
Lifted your head up higher than birds do fly
and threw me a glance
Don't feel the need to add more comments
I sense that from your stance

I have had many arms to hold, and smiles
to comfort any broken soul
I've had quite a few reasons to sing the blues,
yet it ain't ever been to scowl
I stepped into the doors of her mansion,
many a time
But she had little attention to spare for me,
lest to say much time

No, she's such a terrific beauty, don't get me wrong
It's just that she's not only pretty, she's much too strong
And she'd kill any bold-face yongster with a single, cross syllable
Thus, I might adore her style but it don't make her more amiable


And if someday her heart mighta changed
and she be lowered down
She'd approach me, on my level, and she'd
say "baby I'm alone"
There be forgiveness at the corner of my eyes
but I don't know if I'd say it, or what to say it for
Cause ever since she left me, speechless, stranded
my voice, to her, could utter words no more


Yeah, she swung her coat around her shoulders
with a stuck-up nose
Reckon there won't be no other woman in the world
who can strike such a pose
Lifted her head up higher than the birds do fly
and threw me just a glance
No, I don't feel the need to add more comments
Think you sense that from my stance

And as for my initial inquiry...
Lewis + Dickens should, then, result in - rock'n'roll courting with a sad, fatal outcome?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dickens and Le Doc

I am currently reading "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens and as usual, there is a Doctor Who-quote to go along with that...! (Sort of distracts me, though, that's the only downside to being a...well... number one fan-atic?) Taken from the Chris Eccleston-season, this particular episode is one of my personal favourites and was written by Mark Gatiss. (Copyright, all rights served, etc.) It is a brilliant piece about The Doc's encounter with one infamous, British novelist and causing some genuine "Phantasmagoria"... Must admit, I also took the liberty of editing the excerpt a bit, removing annoying, minor-character dialogue and extra-exclamations. This, then, indicated with a "(...)".

THE DOCTOR: Charles Dickens! You're brilliant, you are! Completely 100% brilliant! I've read 'em all! Great Expectations, Oliver Twist and what's the other one, the one with the ghost? (...) The one with the trains... The Signal Man, that's it, terrifying! (...) The best short story ever written! You're a genius! (...) Honestly, Charles - can I call you Charles? I'm such a big fan. (...) Fan! Number One Fan, that's me.

DICKENS: How exactly are you a fan? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool?

THE DOCTOR: No, it means 'Fanatic', devoted to. Mind you, I've gotta say, that American bit in Martin Chuzzlewit, what was that about?! Was that just padding or what? I mean, it's rubbish, that bit.

DICKENS: I thought you said you were my fan.

THE DOCTOR: Ah, well, if you can't take criticism... go on, do the death of Little Nell, it cracks me up!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A little piece of happiness!

[Med spesiell dedikasjon til min Imaginære Heltinne. Og forresten, du; sålenge jeg til de grader kreditteres, må du bare stjele og poste så mye du vil! Jeg tar det som et STORT kompliment! :)]

Lykke er...

...når fantastiske, gode venner publiserer ens egne bestillingsverk på bloggen sin - og i tillegg lar seg inspirere selv, også! Minnesamling med dikt og andre fine ting er da en usannsynlig bra idé, eller hva folkens? Tillater meg å stjele litt av den idéen til gjengjeld, jeg! Det beste jeg vet i hele verden, i allefall noe av det, hehe, er når folk lar seg berøre av det jeg produserer og skaper. Eller når hverdagen bare viser seg fra sine beste sider. Lykke er, synes jeg nemlig, når gamle damer på omsorgssenteret kommer bort og takker meg fordi jeg har spilt piano for dem, når bussen kommer rundt svingen idet jeg kommer ruslende opp bakken, når universitetskantinen har brownies til lunsj, når man finner penger man trodde man ikke hadde i en bukselumme, når H&M har DEN bestemte vesten på salg, når favorittvaskemaskinen er ledig akkurat når man trenger den, når Richard Clayderman kliner til med en übersolo på slutten av en ballade - og når nevnte gode venner altså innlemmer mine små vers i sine personlige kolleksjoner.

De små gleder. Gjør livet vesentlig mer verdt å leve.

Back to basics!

Strange as ut may seem, I'm writing lots and lots of poetry about Love these days.
Hmmm...whatever might have caused that obsessive productivity!

"Gifted, now"
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, now - and again

The world may turn, and offer years of beauty,
travels, secrets, mysteries abound
Yet still, the greatest treasure of them all
In your embrace, I finally had found

17th century feminism (!)

...aaaand furthermore:
Some quick quotation from a Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, and her immediate respons to Lord Lyttelton's "Advice to a Lady";

Be plain in Dress and sober in your Diet
In short My Dearee, kiss me, and be quiet.

English 123 has - in other words - already proven to be an interesting subject to study. Indeed!

John Donne and theories about funerals

One Bygonnie, Johnnie Donnie, Makes My Studies Worth Their Money

Being so important to another human being,
you are linked, as a unit, fuctioning as one;
inseparable as the feet are joint at the hips,
unforgettable as the mind cherish dreams,
and one's most precious, lingering memories

That's how I felt when I read John Donne's beautiful poem about saying farewell without loads of weeping; perhaps saying exactly what I myself have been trying to say for so long...

EDIT, 17th OF JANUARY: Like an epiphany, I suddenly realized today - whilst analysing this piece during my English seminar-class - how it also, and in the most oddly striking way, reminds me of the relationship between a certain Doctor and his beloved, Rose. Mostly due to our seminar-leader's descriptions of how Donne depicts the connected two worlds of abstract, spiritual sensations and earthal, concrete ones - of course. How love appears in two, inseparable forms; the imperturbable, eternal (thus spiritual) version, and the both contrasting and resulting, yet more physical version; the touch-and-instinct-based, bodily effect. I then immediately spotted the (mostly unspoken) complexity and continuity of these two soulmates' love affair, reflected in lines written centuries ago - by a man to whom a Time Lord's adventures means, as far as we are informed, nothing at all. But with The Doc and Rosie being travellers in time, space and indeed parallell universes - how scary, sorry intriguing, can this possibly be/become??? I mean, who (...) knows where they might have travelled besides the broadcast journeys, in which we, the viewers, have parttaken? :)

(Inspirational ideas are crazy things...)

Anywhoo...true love never dies and - here goes;

By John Donne. And NOT me. Hehe.

As virtous men pass mildly away,
And whisper to their souls, to go,
Whilst some of their sad friends do say,
"Now his breath goes," and some say, "No."

So let us melt, and make no noise,
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move ; '
Twere profanation of our joys
To tell the laity our love.

Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears ;
Men reckon what it did, and meant ;
But trepidation of the spheres,
Though greater far, is innocent.

Dull sublunary lovers' love
—Whose soul is sense—cannot admit
Of absence, 'cause it doth remove
The thing which elemented it.

But we by a love so much refined,
That ourselves know not what it is,
Inter-assurèd of the mind,
Care less, eyes, lips and hands to miss.

Our two souls therefore, which are one,
Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion,
Like gold to aery thinness beat.

If they be two, they are two so
As stiff twin compasses are two ;
Thy soul, the fix'd foot, makes no show
To move, but doth, if th' other do.

And though it in the centre sit,
Yet, when the other far doth roam,
It leans, and hearkens after it,
And grows erect, as that comes home.

Such wilt thou be to me, who must,
Like th' other foot, obliquely run ;
Thy firmness makes my circle just,
And makes me end where I begun.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Concerning my job...

"Poetic intricacies"
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et

To capture the essence
of a word
Inside the tiniest parameter
like a bubble

See-through on the outside
bursting within
A sense of temptation and
more to be found

Like haddon shallows escaping
And lines of importance forgotten
when sorely needed

Bygone sources of inspiration
might seek to return
But the true meaning once lost
won't be acquired again

Those were, and remain
only some
Of all my poetic intricacies, but
I get by amongst them

How could I ever do, if I believed it not?

Inventer à plaisir

"A matter of evidence"
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, striving to maintain a certain distance to what she writes - and absolutely, completely, totally and utterly NOT succeeding in doing so! ;)

In a flash, my heart leaps out of its casket
Beating wildly, freely
Way ahead of my feet; as I pace, run, quiver
Breathing heavily, really
To hold one's hands down and keep still & quiet
Being totally, completely

And quite simply

Out of my mind and head over heels;
forgotten my senses, all logic, all reason
Out of this world and wholly unsettled;
I never prepared it, foresaw it, predicted

But why to deny,
and how to forget

That I am
Quite simply
In love

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Money money money, isn't always funny

I recently wrote a little piece about the "ordeal of finances", and here comes more:

I also have a tendency to be a bit vague about money. Frankly, I don't really give a damn about it. I'm one of those liberated bohemian artist-souls, at least a wannabe-such, and my dislike for economics equals that for vacuum packed fish and coke. Consequently, it was never my strongest subject at school. And that's a big time understatement, but I don't want to rip open any of these old wounds right now, hehehe, anyway - I try to avoid any financial issues and problems and discussions. The exchange rate of dollars and reasons to provide poor people with favourable loans and how to save same, poor people from indebtedness? Please ask me how to save the world in any other way than the money-based one. To quote my favourite hero of the day;

"Oh, that's a thought, I'm gonna need money. I was always a bit vague about money. Where do you get money?", The Doctor (from "The girl in the Fireplace", ep. 2.4)

See? Even Le Doc manages to save entire universes without worrying how to pay the bloody rent, etc. That being said; in "The impossible Planet", he and Rose DO worry about having to get a mortgage, because the TARDIS has stranded somewhere and they can't get home, but that's - well - a rather uncommon and improbable situation. They're for instance sitting in a space-station longue, drinking alien soda, underneath a huge see-through roof, displaying a giant black hole, while chatting. An everyday incident in the WHO-niverse. And furthermore, the TARDIS returns and the entire mortgage-discussion develops more into a "working-on-our-very-unsettled-relationship-which-both-want-to-take-a-step-further"-discussion. Just the way we like it! :) Speaking of "rent", though, in a certain movie carrying that title, the whole money-trouble results in these young rebels creating a musical, fabulous songs and dances and involving themselves romantically, in addition to eventually gaining success and fame and increased happiness. So money isn't all that bad, I guess, placed into specific contexts.

The thing is, if you ask me, one does need to explore one's own preferences and base one's future career on personal wishes and choices, in order to be able to lead a happy life. I've always argued that man should follow his dreams, first and foremost and to a certain extent. Maybe that sounds naïve - but I can't help thinking there are few other options, if you seek inner peace. I mean, so many rich and powerful people lead pretty sad lives. "Stuff" and attitude aren't everything. I would rather enjoy an existence of less wealth and items and more "walk on, from day to day, see where it takes me"-lifestyle, than a controlled and fixed, job-based one with strict working hours and a fucked up boss and the possibility of a panorama apartement. I could hardly see myself as someone's boss, by the way, I'm too self-willed. Of self-centered. Haha! Point is, I don't need so much to get by. And my goal is to do what I like best and to succeed in doing so. No more, no less. To achieve what I want, what my heart tells me is right for me, and propose goals for myself which I will attempt to reach and fulfill. Hopefully enjoy every minute of my time here on earth and look forward to waking up the next morning, with or without a full bank account. Take pleasure in the small things. These are my dreams. My career prospects have, throughout my days, circled around the little word "creativity" - I like creating, contributing with something that is unique and - for better or worse - individual; my very own, my preciousss, something whose foundation and background design is not necessarily creditted so many and whose outcome, the final result, might not have to be shared with so many and exploited by any. It takes courage, to work alone. It takes a great effort and loads of energy, and it doesn't always pay off.

I know that within this scheme, money is somewhere involved - you bet I do! - I just fear I might have to let someone else take care of that for me, cause I have NO IDEA what to do with banknotes, except how to spend them. And unfortunately, they don't come in infinite amounts, just like they don't grow on trees. (I often wish they did!) Oh, but one's gotta hold on to those positive vibes and I'm sure I'll get through. With a little help from some friends, in some areas. Like Freddie Mercury; he never carried his own purse, he let others carry it for him. Moreover, come to think of it; even as a dead poor, completely unknown student of arts, he behaved and dressed like a king. A bohemian glam-king, that is. Stylish - down to every, minute detail. But when he got more cash, he didn't turn into an arrogant expert of conceit, he was a down-to-earth musician of a king. At least from what I've seen and heard. He had his whims and his moods, but he was a wonderful person, nevertheless. I think a few of us could learn a thing or two from Mr. Mercury there. Money doesn't automatically grow style - or decency. It doesn't ensure a nice personality or manners. Maybe that's why I struggle with it so much. And sometimes hate it. I've seen its effects on people; I've witnessed madness due to wealth, I've witnessed a loss of modesty and greed beyond belief. Yeah. That's why money - similarly to religion - is a scarecrow passenger on my train of thought. I loathe the means and measures with which people handle (both of) them; lest to say abuse them.

So. Back to the basics; as for myself, and as for the moment being, I'll simply keep on writing.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Til min gode venninne Ann Siri, aka Imaginary Hero, på bestilling. Faktisk.

Heftig inspirert og begeistret (pun intended!) av den geniale filmen "Before sunrise", der Julie Delpy og Ethan Hawke rusler rundt i hjembyen til min kjære Rex og hans, for meg like kjære, eier Brandtner; altså Wien. De møter på en dikter-boms som tilbyr seg å skrive et dikt til dem, og - skal det senere vise seg - om dem. Faller, naturlig nok, i god smak. Og setter en ekstra spiss på deres nattlige vandring, om jeg kan si det slik. Dette får bli noe litt annet; et nostaligisk lite stykke poesi fra Scara's penn, til en gammel venn, hoho. Inspirert (også) av Brua - av alle mulige og umulige ting. Jaja. Vigga er en fin elv, osv. Håper det faller i smak!

(Muligens ikke helt ferdigstilt.)

"Backward glances" [working title]
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, nå en seriøs, rutinert blogger OG fattig dikter-spire! Yey!

Some days we roamed about the park
Throwing stones into water, capturing
Kodak moments as the lungs filled with
laughter, clinging onto green grass and
a new sun that would blind us

Some days we strolled along the streets
Throwing glances at the passer-by's,
knowing we might never be seen again
And eating muffins was never more
enjoyable than with a grin, there

Some days we swam over to the moon
Throwing tantrums out of nowhere,
just for fun, again, and friendship
Being imaginary memories we could
savour when the times had passed

As happy times tend to do

Some days we'll sit down and forget,
or maybe even try rememeber,
longing back to what one won't let go
Cherish every second spent is not
the same as yearning for

All that man can never have

'Cause all that man could ever have
was for a second spent, not too much for me to ask
Being with someone, to whom
that might not be too much to give

(Og - håper det kan passe inn i minnesamlingen din! :) - som for øvrig syntes som en god og inspirerende idé!)

Lucky me

More early morning gossip!

According to Entertainment E!, Queen is in negotiations with Johnny Depp and others regarding a movie about Freddie Mercury, his life and career. Brian May has also previously mentioned it, so the chances are there might be at least some sense of truth in these rumours. Could just be the most interesting event of the year, barely surpassing the DVD-release of Casino Royale...! Hopefully with deleted scenes - involving Q!!! (...or maybe not.) I would like to see a documentary explaining how Gerry wasn't cast, though. LOL.

And, of course, we are continuously anticipating the release of Queen's and Kent's and Bryan Ferry's planned, new albums. Am I a lucky girl or what?! :)

Lohan, Chan & Babel

...and the ordeal of finances!

Young miss "La Lohan", first name Lindsay, was recently spotted wearing a "Queen Tour '80"- vintage T-shirt. Everyone keeps arguing how she's the worst role model ever, but after seeing photos of her dressed like that, I can't help thinking - at least she gets something right...! When it comes to taste in music-inspired clothing, more people should actually follow Lindsay's example. Apart from this little incident, I of course think she's a total mess; drug problems, weight-losses, Britney "No-panties" Spears-friendship and all - but hey! If she likes Queen, she really can't be that bad. (?)

But then again; if she just follows a trend of vintage clothing, which is perhaps more likely, and has absolutely no idea who Queen is, just thought the shirt was "kinda cool", then seriously...get a life, girlie.

Anyway! That was me starting the day reading online gossip. Which is truly an interesting way to emerge from sleepyness. A mindless activity that I, to be honest, quite frequently induldge in. In certain ways, it's like watching a Jackie Chan-movie; you feel your brain cells being slowly wiped out, and then realize you don't mind it one bit. Completely ignoring any and all side-effects, permanent injuries etc., as you enjoy the silly just-for-fun action too much to even care!

However, if you desire to regain lacking intelligence and get back on the thoughful-track, you might turn off Jackie's New Adventures and go watch "Babel", if it's still running in a theatre near you. The kind of movie that makes you thoroughly reconsider your choice of living and want to work for Red Cross in Africa. And it included some high-class, amazing acting performances and wonderful scenery too. Being a long-lasting piece of storytelling, it can probably prove a little dull to some viewers. Yet, if you have some patience and let yourself involve and sympathize with the main characters, you'll achieve a movie experience that is nothing short of mind-blowing. Heavy, touching, overwhelming and exhausting - to the very end - with Tokyo skyscrapers, Morocco locals, US immigration issues, childhood encounters with death and arrogant tourists as important features & themes. And also - personal favourites Rinko Kikuchi, Kôji Yakusho and Brad Pitt delightfully present. Well-deserved hype!

Finally, a word of advice: "Don't think about the money. Money will come to you. And if it doesn't, there's no reason why you can't go searching for it, but you can do it with a will, not a must. Life is too short to be wasted with worries concering things that are merely abstract and, in the end, insignificant to happiness. What matters is destiny, as it seems, here and now and forever. Not the means with which you might have purchased it years back. Life is a journey. No money can replace or disguise that fact. Life is a road to be travelled and a source of freedom to be explored. I won't be tied down ever again. Just won't."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The letter D as a starting point

"What remains, remains, and what doesn't got spilt out; hence over"
By Scara, the scary po(t)et, who should probably go to bed now.
(Sorry, should probably have been in bed by now.)

Decanting fluids
Sinking deep
A deposit of
Dregs, just shit
Finger dipped
Therein, a drop
Shaken off, though
Don't keep no spares

Beelzebub has enough devils put aside for me as it is.

[Good night!]

Wake up an insomniac and she'll die

"Dreams delusional"
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, no dope involved.

Don't know what to do
about these dreams
I keep having these dreams
and I can't forget them
Running in crazy circles,
keep repeating themselves

When you see faces, and
recognition hits you
Like a bolt from above,
your guts tells you to run
But your feet are stuck
your legs won't move

A constant full-speed loop,
no rabbitholes to exit out of
You're ten feet tall, and six inches,
but you might shrink into zero
In a split second, as the floor slants
and ain't no floor no more, it's a sea

Roaring seas, in my dreams,
I keep having these dreams
I was trying to get over my nightmares,
yet confusion hit me instead
And now I'm getting lost, where I myself
started off, and I'll be chasing my past

Forever and much longer


"Shoot for the moon"
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et


a pick of destiny and then you're sold
but as always, you shoot for the moon
and end up with an empty heart
struggling to find whatever good, bad, worse
(or for the better)
with which you could fill it up next time

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Curiosity killed the cat, not me

(My fucking network-connection's been out of business for the past fucking week, meaning I haven't been fucking online in a fucking weeeeek, and it fucking scares me to observe my own fucking obsession with this internet-thing AND, indeed, that fucking word "fuck". Interesting. Anywhooo, I miss blogger. I miss blogging. Miss it like I miss Chris E. and his "Hello, alien-Piggy!"-smile and those cute ears. Gosh. But, and thus, here we go again!)

I watched the beautiful, but slightly crazy-psychedelic "Easy Rider" today...and I loved it, of course, it's just completely surreal and brilliant. One of those movies that will, hopefully, last forever. Along with other Fonda-family classics (hihi!) and my personal, fucking favourite (pun intended) Tarantino and his Hopper-collaborations and other strokes of genius. (Trivia Puzzle: Tarantino + Hopper + Walken + Scott = ?) I think there's something about their hunt for freedom and all the hippie-music and that "We failed"-line which just hits you, right there, cuts its way into your soul and stomach, even spearing straight through the core of your heart. Boooom; off you go, fallin' in love again. Well, at least I did. Reckon, if I ever settle down it'll be with some motorcycle dude who calls himself Captain America and has a best buddy who smokes pot and dresses like The Eagles' vocalist and laughs at everything, although it might not be even remotely funny. And we could walk into the sunset, being hardly more than vague shadows in the dark; wearing these really retro, awesome sunglasses and on-and-off, pathetic helmets and talk about Venus, the planet that is, and take pleasure in not knowing what tomorrow would bring. Team up with Jack Nicholson and visit dodgy bars and sleep rough and hit the highway before breakfast...

Did I mention I love movies, cos they make me dream? Guess I did, yeah. And I love America and American road-movies and exploring all the mysteries of that amazing bowl of mingling cultures, through the eyes of people like Wyatt and Billy. Someday I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna travel out, without any specific destination; just live and breathe and chase freedom for a while. If that doesn't get you in touch with your inner self and senses, I don't know what possibly could.

But, children, smoking pot and drinking scotch and riding a bicycle without a helmet is very dangerous. So, leave it to the grown-ups. And Peter Fonda may not be the best role model ever, but most kids today don't even know who the man is, so what's the big deal. I mean, they SHOULD know him, but I suppose something's missing about their film historic education. Parents, get a a grip? Suggestion; why not make films like "Easy Rider" part of the school curriculum and have the youngsters understand the sixties through the geniune, contemporary view on the era? That'd be a great idea, if you ask me. But, unfortunately, too few do.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Surrealis Cinematographicus

Surrealistiske opplevelser anno 3 januar.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:

Doctor'n som SKURK.

Doctor'n, det vil altså si David Tennant, som Barty "Slikk-munn" (pun intended!) Crouch junior - filmens mest utspekulerte og, faktisk, lengst tilstedeværende überskurk - i tillegg medfølgende stigende Anakin Skywalker-tendenser. "Hellooooo faaaather...."

Det faktum at jeg gjenkjenner David Tennant selv om han har panneluggen langt ned i fjeset og sitter halvveis gjemt bak stolen til Ralph "You-Know-WHO-Vortevold-sorry-Voldemort" Fiennes og fremstår i en blålig utgave av svart-hvitt og ikke sier en dritt. Nuvel.

The Boondock Saints:

Willem Dafoe. I dameklær. (På et tidspunkt med greit innsyn i, vel, "det aller helligste". I allefall nesten. Og blond Roger Taylor-parykk. Noen som har sett videoen til I want to break free? Den er herlig!)

Billy Connolly. For alle dem som har sett "Mrs. Brown": .... hahahahahahahaha!!! Og dett var dett. Ellers er han en strålende skuespiller og gjør seg veldig godt i...bur. Men ja. Som sagt; hahaha. Og det er noe problematisk, for jeg kommer aldri til å kunne se en film med den mannen igjen, uten å tenke på DEN scenen. Hahahahaha!

Which reminds me of Gerry. Og når vi snakkes om kjekke menn:

At det kan være fysisk mulig å gjøre 2 stk. temmelig besatte og intenst religiøse leiemordere så utrolig likandes. Og elskelige. Og bedårende. Og fullstendig uimotståelige, spesielt når det gjelder hvor man som publikum skal plassere ens personlige preferanser og sympatier. For å gjøre en lang utredning litt kortere: Jeg ELSKER Macmanus-familien og jeg ville blitt med dem på deres personlige, lille rettferdighetstokt anytime! Tro meg!

I live and breathe for the magic of moviemaking. Still and forever.
And - "I love our new job!"

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Velkommen til et nytt år...

[Første posten i 2007!!!]


Rart å tenke på at man nu har trådt inn i et nytt år, 12 nye måneder, og allverdens med spennende og skremmende og bent sagt superuforutsigbare hendelser & utfordringer i vente. Slikt jeg ser frem til, og gruer meg til, å ta fatt på. Når det gjelder nyttår så er jeg ikke verdens største tilhenger av nyttårsløfter, fordi jeg har en grunnleggende svakhet - evt. elementær mangel på disiplin, kall det hva du vil - når det gjelder å skulle gjennomføre og holde dem.

Vi har f.eks forsøkt den populære "kutte ned på sjokolade og koffein" (her kunne det også vært naturlig å legge til nikotin, men jeg røker ikke - praktisk nok & heldigvis!), noe som resulterte i regelrett tvangsspising av melkesjokolade første nyttårsdag, sammen med uante mengder svart kaffe. Og, videre, "aldri mer påføre seg selv kjærlighetssorg"; noe som fungerer dårlig i kombinasjon med min totale besettelse når det gjelder kjekke, mannlige og fullstendig uoppnåelige filmstjerner. OG (så videre og så videre) har vi jo den berømmelige "trene mer" - og jeg trener mer enn nok, etter min smak og lyst og ork og mer gidder jeg uansett ikke, sånn er det med den saken, point taken? - og den fantastiske "studere mer", jeg studerer mer enn nok som det er, og akkurat nå frister det mest å se en film, for i bunn og grunn: jo mer man stresser at man bør stresse mindre, jo mer apatisk og stresset blir man. Nemlig. Til slutt kan man legge til "spise meget sunnere, ha en bedre og mer fornuftig døgnrytme, drikke mindre alkohol, tenke før man snakker, revurdere humor og pengeforbruk og legge realistiske planer for fremtiden" - hvorav jeg har gitt opp samtlige punkter (og de dertil hørende, alternative livsførsler) for lenge siden, og på det området er jeg faktisk temmelig fornøyd. Regelrett tilfreds. SÅH!

Nei når det gjelder disse nyttårsløftene, la meg heller sitere Verdens Tøffeste Svenske Rockeband - Kent - fra deres album "Hagnesta Hill" og sangen "Cowboys":

hon vinkar genom ett fönster
hennes mun är som ett sår
så går hjärtat mitt sönder
det har varit ett ensamt år
jag ska aldrig ignorera dig igen
jag ska aldrig ignorera kärleken
mina nyårslöften

(Copyright Joachim Berg, text och musik - tack så mycket!)

Og hvis man bytter ut hon med han så kan det helt greit fungere som mine nyttårsløfter, likeså. Det hjelper meg muligens ikke til å unngå den overnevnte kjærlighetssorgen, men hva gjør vel egentlig det, og dessuten:

"I wear my heart on the outside, for everyone to see
and to tell you the truth, it's the only way I know,
to find real happiness, and to feel and to know,
thus, the only way I can be me."