Monday, January 22, 2007

Altfor sent og altfor sentimental

...strengt tatt er vel klokken bare ti på halv elleve, men jeg er åpenbart i trøtteste laget. Her er enda mer o, hjerte smerte fra frøkenen som ikke kan slutte å falle - hodestups, håpløst, ulykkelig og, vel, uungåelig. IGJEN.

"Change my heart" eller: "Cardiac Control" eller, eventuelt:
"If you can't give me love, then fuck off."
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et - too much Suzi and too little sleep.

If I could pick my destiny, pick anyone at all
Guess I'd be happier than now
Wouldn't need to sit and wait for him to call

Put on a Suzi Quatro record, sway across the room
Guess I'd be singing loudly then
Wouldn't need to worry; or fall to pieces far too soon

Paint pictures of open water and rejoice in the snow
Guess I'd be hopping merrily around
Wouldn't need to glare out of my window, like I'm doing now

If I could learn to never care and never wonder
Swear it never meant a thing
Wouldn't need to lie here hopelessly and ponder

Transmat beam me away and let me cease my pointless trotting,
I'm tired of always getting stronger
I cannot be a captive of a broken heart's yearning, sent off its course,
I'm not sacrificing my sleep any longer

Help me help myself and let you go

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