Sunday, January 14, 2007

Money money money, isn't always funny

I recently wrote a little piece about the "ordeal of finances", and here comes more:

I also have a tendency to be a bit vague about money. Frankly, I don't really give a damn about it. I'm one of those liberated bohemian artist-souls, at least a wannabe-such, and my dislike for economics equals that for vacuum packed fish and coke. Consequently, it was never my strongest subject at school. And that's a big time understatement, but I don't want to rip open any of these old wounds right now, hehehe, anyway - I try to avoid any financial issues and problems and discussions. The exchange rate of dollars and reasons to provide poor people with favourable loans and how to save same, poor people from indebtedness? Please ask me how to save the world in any other way than the money-based one. To quote my favourite hero of the day;

"Oh, that's a thought, I'm gonna need money. I was always a bit vague about money. Where do you get money?", The Doctor (from "The girl in the Fireplace", ep. 2.4)

See? Even Le Doc manages to save entire universes without worrying how to pay the bloody rent, etc. That being said; in "The impossible Planet", he and Rose DO worry about having to get a mortgage, because the TARDIS has stranded somewhere and they can't get home, but that's - well - a rather uncommon and improbable situation. They're for instance sitting in a space-station longue, drinking alien soda, underneath a huge see-through roof, displaying a giant black hole, while chatting. An everyday incident in the WHO-niverse. And furthermore, the TARDIS returns and the entire mortgage-discussion develops more into a "working-on-our-very-unsettled-relationship-which-both-want-to-take-a-step-further"-discussion. Just the way we like it! :) Speaking of "rent", though, in a certain movie carrying that title, the whole money-trouble results in these young rebels creating a musical, fabulous songs and dances and involving themselves romantically, in addition to eventually gaining success and fame and increased happiness. So money isn't all that bad, I guess, placed into specific contexts.

The thing is, if you ask me, one does need to explore one's own preferences and base one's future career on personal wishes and choices, in order to be able to lead a happy life. I've always argued that man should follow his dreams, first and foremost and to a certain extent. Maybe that sounds naïve - but I can't help thinking there are few other options, if you seek inner peace. I mean, so many rich and powerful people lead pretty sad lives. "Stuff" and attitude aren't everything. I would rather enjoy an existence of less wealth and items and more "walk on, from day to day, see where it takes me"-lifestyle, than a controlled and fixed, job-based one with strict working hours and a fucked up boss and the possibility of a panorama apartement. I could hardly see myself as someone's boss, by the way, I'm too self-willed. Of self-centered. Haha! Point is, I don't need so much to get by. And my goal is to do what I like best and to succeed in doing so. No more, no less. To achieve what I want, what my heart tells me is right for me, and propose goals for myself which I will attempt to reach and fulfill. Hopefully enjoy every minute of my time here on earth and look forward to waking up the next morning, with or without a full bank account. Take pleasure in the small things. These are my dreams. My career prospects have, throughout my days, circled around the little word "creativity" - I like creating, contributing with something that is unique and - for better or worse - individual; my very own, my preciousss, something whose foundation and background design is not necessarily creditted so many and whose outcome, the final result, might not have to be shared with so many and exploited by any. It takes courage, to work alone. It takes a great effort and loads of energy, and it doesn't always pay off.

I know that within this scheme, money is somewhere involved - you bet I do! - I just fear I might have to let someone else take care of that for me, cause I have NO IDEA what to do with banknotes, except how to spend them. And unfortunately, they don't come in infinite amounts, just like they don't grow on trees. (I often wish they did!) Oh, but one's gotta hold on to those positive vibes and I'm sure I'll get through. With a little help from some friends, in some areas. Like Freddie Mercury; he never carried his own purse, he let others carry it for him. Moreover, come to think of it; even as a dead poor, completely unknown student of arts, he behaved and dressed like a king. A bohemian glam-king, that is. Stylish - down to every, minute detail. But when he got more cash, he didn't turn into an arrogant expert of conceit, he was a down-to-earth musician of a king. At least from what I've seen and heard. He had his whims and his moods, but he was a wonderful person, nevertheless. I think a few of us could learn a thing or two from Mr. Mercury there. Money doesn't automatically grow style - or decency. It doesn't ensure a nice personality or manners. Maybe that's why I struggle with it so much. And sometimes hate it. I've seen its effects on people; I've witnessed madness due to wealth, I've witnessed a loss of modesty and greed beyond belief. Yeah. That's why money - similarly to religion - is a scarecrow passenger on my train of thought. I loathe the means and measures with which people handle (both of) them; lest to say abuse them.

So. Back to the basics; as for myself, and as for the moment being, I'll simply keep on writing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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