Thursday, January 10, 2008

I make stuff: fangirling

More on a rainy day...more divertions, that is. I have been toying around with PhotoShop once more. Not safe to let me loose on this programme. But then again, there are so many lovely pictures hidden in my (many) folders and what else can I do with them? As mentioned at various previous occasions, I behold a monstrous amount of approximately 10000 fandom related pixies and I tend to skim through my catalogues searching for manip-opportunities, once in a while. Yesterday evening was one of these times when I was bored, and fussing about, and eventually came across something really useful, too. So I seized the blissful chance to make pretty things with pretty people in them; that's man, singular, Scottish; and it didn't turn out that bad after all. Couldn't have been bad, strictly speaking, considering the subject of my creative treatment...outbursts. Copyrights, all rights served, restrictions, lalala, in esssential writing: please respect the originator. Also, comments are gold. True to fangirl traditions, I steal carelessly, effortlessly and without shame from numerous other fansites, no reason you should do the same. Not without crediting, anyway. Thus, I hereby (and very humbly) credit and their fabulous gallery - best there is. Massive thanks for letting me use your stockings, thanks for the catalogued beauty and the easy-to-use site! :)

[Image: oooh, the handsomeness. Made with some fancy textures found online and three original pic's of le attractive male personified. With one of my very favourite Gerry-pictures, to the right, which I then decided to use for something slightly different as well:]

[Image: Scara herself, on some ferry last summer, with a very nicey T-shirt! Some irony, there. Self-irony, or whatever. Fake thing, of course; maybe I shouldn't admit to that, but hey, I don't know if I'd actually dare to wear clothes like that in public. Lol. Very cool idea, though, anyone care to put this into printing?]

So much art for now, hope you all enjoyed, and will probably be back with/for more later on. Mood is better, despite the weather. What's with this man and his continuing habit of making me feel great, always, no matter how shitty I felt in the first place? Good man. Very good. The upmost convenience of possessing fandom fanaticism. Recomment that too, for all. And PhotoShop truly is one of the more useful progammes developed by Gates the Goat. Lil' Bill, bad man. Hate Windows with all its faults, flaws, stupid instant messages. Like the Microsoft Updates that decide to suddenly restart my computer even though I specifically asked them not to, even ticked this button requesting permission to download and restart myself whenever I wanted to. But one's own desire is probably The One Thing mister Bill Gates does not respect. He vehemently counteracts my every decision, anyway, so I suppose I have a right to wonder. Still, there are great sides to this software as well. Office is bliss, and Msn instantly made my life easier. Can't complain all the time. But why, why, why all the unasked for updating?! In so many respects? Why can't they just let me download the programmes, then leave me alone? Oh, I guess there comes a price with all grand inventions. I experience the ups and downs of those created by Bill Gates. Despite all this, however, he helps me honour Gerard Butler with a wallpaper and for that I owe him thanks.


Anonymous said...

Jeg er overbevist om at det lokale trykkeriet her hjemme, tar
t-skjorte oppdraget - den er genial...

elgen said...

t-skjortet ser genialt ut!!! fantastisk design!