Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Some poetry-thoughts!

"Enthusiastic..." - to the point of desperate apathetic wriggles!

By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, who finds herself drawn between everything, nothing and the void and lots of books that aren't so interesting anymore...!

I give myself up, quite easily
to the thoughts that once were mine
And notes I made, so thoroughly,
completed visions, summarized, these dots;
I revel in simplicity, unshaken facts
of leisure and some well-spared time, I spent,
And dream of carousels, the trips I didn't make
exuberantly insisting upon my pious hopes,
I peeked between the lines, walked across a title
never would I care if all your sentiments were fake
Electric, eclectic, pray not enjoy to spite,
I was objective as long as I could and tried
The best were left out, anyhow, hardly considered
darkling, darling, may not convey the mite
I'm sorry, so sorry, for these works of art
the conceit, the imposture, the fallen madames
I used to believe in single truths, now I'm confused;
in so deep, I can't get back up to the single-minded
corners multiply in the dust of the dumbfounding
left me shocked and shocked utterly, now recollecting;
like I fear the inability to speak, or a curb put on
my enthusiasm, overly convincing gestures, surrounding
where I got started, metaphorically, I still ended up here
the whole is too wide, must I then settle with a clue
generally imploring me, impressions and sessions
I loved some, and loathe some, and others; were forced through
there's fiction and faction, and lots of contractions
the essence's essential with the cats off the table!
whatever's significant, the more I can or cannot see
weightless as a child, but with muscles on my mental frame
indicating demarcation comes not easily, yet I read to discover,

for with dicoveries come immeasurable pleasure and
with pleasure comes the sweeter escapes and tunes
of my sympathetic enthusiasm blues

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