Thursday, July 05, 2007

Artistic Contributions

Warnings ahead. Pure Fandom-business, this. Meaning; I'm one of these fortunate, devoted girlies who still can't forget. Oh my, oh my. More Rose-moping. Don't know if it's a good thing, but my own art continues to move me and bring tears to the corners of my eyes. Especially my WHO-inspired art. Sniffing, getting myself together, then sniffing some more. Sentimental mood today, apparently. Here's a pic/banner and a poem to follow!

"Lucky just to have been with you" - old topic, old angle, new angst - dedicated to all the like-minded shippers out there. We're right!
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, and genuinely hoping. Works better! The poem is, of course, based on earlier writings - but is also set to go with the pic., hence the words and rhyme choices.

one day you'll summon
if just to remember
that the look still says it all
how her head tilted
barely onto your shoulder
the way she let her golden hair fall
second, you might wonder
just a sudden impulse
and many a such you'll always recall

later, you wander back
to see her face in the crowds
telling yourself stories that never come true
waiting and hoping for miracles
your hear her voice like a siren's song
an order to travel on, don't stop but continue
you don't answer the questions
but inside, still asking yourself
nothing more important than what she would have you do

pick up her jacket, her phone
can't call her number, can't call her home
never to settle with somebody else
you'd both sail the oceans to reach long lost trails
one day you'll figure, but you might also be wrong
still the vision of her keeps your hearts always strong

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Det er poet du er først og fremst og mest av alt ..............ha det klart for deg.