Monday, July 09, 2007

Probably too late and overdone

Can't go on if I'd get out. By Scaramouche, the po(t)et. Soundtrack: Tito and Tarantula. Opened my eyes late, then dressed up quickly. Fixed the flaws and scrubbed the face. Too easily. I laid myself upon the old drycleaner's bench and stretched out, to be washed away with tides. My toes got wet. I didn't see the moon, I shot the clouds. I drank my tea and took another nap before I woke. I think, or maybe I was never fully 'wake, perchance was I outside. Found the shoes and took a stroll. I can't remember where, but it was short. Forgot a lot, and more I will, I open boxes, leave the doors unshut, the changes not affecting me. Later headache, later apetite for sweet, but hardly any notice taken of the reparations. As though the world has happend less to some, and held too little much too slowly. Then I came home and sat down straight and couldn't tell, could not decide, or settle any scores. The screens went blank. I watched some people act. I thought them dead, but they swam on. They smiled and kissed, guess that's what lovers do, 'cos categories fit when humans ask them to. When we make sure, accomodate. Some close one sense to clarify a second. Distant echoes, rusty sorts. Rifts and broken, leaking mugs. I listened to a jarring song, then turned it off. That's how it'll pass. Much overdone, and much too far, too much exposed, majority seeped through and vanished. For now; and that is how the day goes by, if I am unaware. And next, it ends. The fluctuating weather drifs, the raindrops cease. And to exist, I step on in. I enter back. I put myself to sleep, before I'm drawn to consciousness and repetition strikes. A nerve. But only if it may. And if I let it be; this steadyness of hours, never interrupted, altered seldom by a strange occasion. Oh, but not today. I tear a page from my calendar pad. Behind it, starts anew, as comes the dawn, and I shall breathe again. The fresher air of future moments not yet come. Know life need nurture. I always liked the dusk, and better. I open up my eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeg leser en trist "nerve" i denne teksten men jeg er slett ikke sikker på at den tristheten er ubehagelig. Jeg ble fasinert og likte godt det jeg leste - omigjen og omigjen fordi jeg liker de melankolske tekstene dine.