Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Scara's NTA-appeal!

Be careful, all ye arrogant outsiders and ignorants critcs! The following post includes overly exaggerated use of exclamation-marks, fake cuts, direct and indirect links and angsty mentionings. Also featuring non-objective, lascivious (lol) praise of Scotsmen and moping over Billie Piper's irreversible departure from her most suitable employment so far. You are hereby warned.

You've got a chance to make a difference in the world! Please read on! ;) This is not some money-craving charity event or an act of religious hypocricy. This is serious! This is Doctor Who-related! This is important!! As most of you may still recall, last year the Best Sci-fi Programme in the Universe (Imdb has finally put up some new images from the series, quite recently too in fact, the majority of which feature Rose! And the Tylers! And CHRIS! Check out, and enjoy!!) swept the awards and won THREE prizes, for what was the second year in a row. We surely want a repetition of this succesful incident, and thus:


[Image: Happy winners from the 2006-event; David, Billie, Camille, Noel. All rights served, probably, and some weird copyright restrictions definitely apply. Jeje. I don't own anything, I just found it at some point during my image-acquisition history. Please respect.]

Dear TV-viewers, fangirls, Tennantholics and everyone else. This is a message from Scaramouche, moderator of - er - Scara's Stories, infamous blogging service, very influential and bitchy if you don't agree and obey, who proposes a sincere pledge that you take 5 minutes of your precious time and cast a vote! NTA (National Television Awards) in Britain is coming up shortly and amongst the nominees are many significant people we know! And love! You have a rare opportunity to show your appreciation for some of the finest performers out there, a.o. David Tennant, Catherine Tate and Hermione Norris!! Do not miss it! Pity is, one can't vote both for Wire in the Blood AND Doctor Who, and although both will do nicely, and either one will be most appropriate, Scara would prefer that you vote for Doctor Who. After all, Hermione the Heroine has left WitB and despite the fact that we (I) adore Robson Green, it just isn't quite the same any longer. Not without Carol Jordan! However, you can vote for solo-actress Hermione in her other shows and she is certainly more deserving than one certain Martha Jones, aka Freema Agyeman. Well, it's not forbidden to support the latter, but is she really really worthy...? Njaaaaaaao. Billie, on the other hand! Where is she?! Mansfield Park, Ruby in the Smoke, hellooo...? This is, moreover, the first Awards in a good while where she will neither appear as part of the Who-crew, or alongside D.T. or as a nominee, which is so unfair and sad. Ever heard of the rememberance-prize, anyone? Most loved-actress on TV ever, or something? Just a thought! But - as for the other categories, it is important that you decide for yourselves, yet at the same time make sure that Doctor Who win as many as possible. Everything else is far from being relevant. Nice to be nominated, hooray and happy salutes to anyone accomplished, but it's simply irrelevant! The Doctor is King and needs a third Crown. (And, if cheering for Freema is, somehow, crucial in order for DW to win, cheer for her. By all means. But it shouldn't be!) Remember also to vote for Lauren Cooper in any context imaginable - go Catherine! - and Jo Joyner (anyone remember Lynda Moss - who made Rose show off her true feelings for Doc in the first place??) on EastEnders. Such a small and short notification, but let's not forget. Thanks to you all, in advance, and don't boycott, do NOT work against, do NOT bullshit and do NOT skip it! VOTE NOW!!! You might need to register with a random e-mail adress, but then you do get the chance to win a ticket to some celeb show. And your votes will COUNT!

NOTE: David Tennant, best actor. Doctor Who, best show. Catherine Tate, best comedy.
(and please wait for the animation on the front page to complete itself, then you can see a beautiful photo of David from "The Lazarus Experiment" and of Catherine Tate from her show!!)

You may also vote for David at the TVquick awards, but there you need to register and fill in a lot of personal details (boring). You can, however, cast your vote for him more through a slightly less complicated (and thus, less boring) procedure at, yet still having to provide some personal info, for being the sexiest spec-wearer alive!! (Whey! Go nerdy spec-wearers!) Which is, of course, well-earned! In addition, the Doctor Who-homepage has a vote going on for the audience's favourite series 3 moments, where you can vote for Rose! You may select "The Journal" through the designated link, and can thus support the scene in which Billie featured as a drawing in the Doc's Notebook of Impossible Adventures! As seen on Scara's blog, at numerous occasions, and included in an essay! ;) And please do so; please remember!

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