Thursday, January 03, 2008

Remembrance and repentance

"Some ways / gone mad"
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, sweet-talking, hard-judging, strange-thinking, mad-driving. Something I wrote late-December and almost forgot. Thought I might just as well post it. This is very lyric and very song-inspired, so it's not very fanciful or particularly po(t)etic; it's just basic, rhyming, scheming, verses of a notion. Based on a notion, anyway. I don't exactly know what I'm trying to say, here, but I think it's essentially simple. It's just that I don't see it, despite the apparent simplicity. Which is often the case with writers, I guess. It could have been sung, that's about it, and perchance one day it will.

sometimes you drive yourself a bit mad
with your own misery and morose
you let the days get you down
and the moments that should be happiest
became the worst ones to remember

someone you've driven a bit mad
with your own mistakes and messy
you let the days go by alone
and the mankind that should be hopefullest
became the one no-one would remember

somethings you let drive you a bit mad
with your own management and manic
you let the days be forgotten
so the memories that should be highest priced
became the lower on remembrance scale

somehow you're driving madness on
with your makings and your mellow
tendencies that always leave you gone
so the men around to grant you space in heart
became lost in empty spaces you're not there to fill


Anonymous said...

Poesi kan gjøre de mest negative øyeblikk glansfulle - jeg er glad du postet disse linjene - slik at jeg fikk lese dem...du gode poet.

elgen said...

nyttårsaften var greit. eg feiret jo med kjæresten min. vil reise tilbake neste söndag kveld (6.1.)ha det så lenge. håper vi snakkes snart på msn!