Thursday, March 22, 2007


...and back in English-business! Men litt Norsk først:

I anledning Dagen i, eh, går [21 mars] plutselig - som er viet Poesien - følgelig Poesiens Dag - vil jeg som seg hør og bør "beære" dere alle med et lite egetprodusert bidrag...for å bruke mange store, selvhøytidelige og vidløftige fancyord...elsker det er da det minste jeg kan gjøre, på en Dag som Denne. Fantastisk flott at Poesien markeres med en hyllest av slikt omfang. Fine dagen for fine po(t)etene. Kan jeg anse meg for å være en av dem, nå? Jeg kaller meg da uansett en rutinert, selvpublisert po(t)et! Mye fancy med lite innhold. Også kalt Dannelsesroman. Ok, det var slemt. Jeg skriver Dannelsespoesi, er det oki? Way to go, yo! And here goes;


"UNSHIELDED / an act of discernible anatomy " -
written at the university, in the canteen, overlooking two knees knocking under a table, upon which is seated a doubledeckered chocolate cake
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, who ate the cake and own the knees

I am too preoccupied with,
even initiating closure with,
obsession - all my focus directed towards,
the movements of my
muscles and my bones
as they approach, upwards,
even initiating closure with,
the thinness of my filmy skin,
frail like me, and pale as few

tumbling, roll about, first slowly, turn, then faster, then in circles,
threatening to burst through, stinging, pressing with intent,
onto the membrane, clicking out of, onto dents, enveloping the capsules of my scrawny knees, ostensibly

I watch the motion, I feel the drive,
the urge, the pressure, yes I feel it
Sinews soon collide, however nerve-racking, I said
and now it's almost there, complete
rub against a surface,
one can't tell what will abut

And I am too concerned with
though I cannot initiate closure with
all that happens underneath
everywhere that I can't intervene
ends may meet, and bonds be tied,
and knots be knit, more closure,
always anxious, then, too see if sizes fit
to wait for correspondence is to wait
for a collision we must not avoid

a revelation we shall not conceal
say - it's about a premise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeg aner en humor som jeg kan få mye mer av takk