Monday, April 14, 2008

An Odd Ode

"Blue things, box-shaped"
By Scaramouche, the Po(t)et Fangirl; shaken, stirred and completely attached. No escaping the magic that is "Doctor Who". Originally written as an attachment to below-seen review post, then merged into a poem of its own. Obviously a two-parter, where the first constitutes an introduction to the world of The Doctor, and the second is dedicated to the theme of the most recent episode. With another solemn dedication, moreover, to Supertramp - a band that continues to inspire me beyond what I can fully express in derived writings. "Slow Moion" is an addictive album which is currently on repeat for the umpteenth time and I am not remotely tired of it. I keep devoting time to fandom, I keep exploring my fandoms further, and I keep returning to the cherished things. It's not the first Doctor-ode I write, either, for that matter, and here are some linkies to the rest: Rose's Story, The Lovers' Journey, The Excessive David Tennant Birthday-babble & the latest: Some Part-of-Something-Bigger Narrative. Enjoy a slight brush-up, and while you're at it - here's more! And, by the way, if you should get the pun in the title - you are indeed really really clever and/or just an alarmingly obsessed fan of Rose Tyler. Like myself.

sometimes when the world's gone awry,
and nothing happens according to plan
just need to make that long-distance call
and there he comes, the saving man
might not seem recognizable in figure
but do believe he's still the same
making close encounters with disaster
a wandering soldier, never will be tame

the blackness awaits, sending its reflections
as sparkling images deep down his eyes
slightly older, got a little wiser along the way,
yet there's no predictability within his days
sharp-cut suits to serve as his disguise
whilst the senses bristle with attention
consistently avoiding easy, aiming higher
he's the legend history forgets to mention

there they are, this moving couple
hurtling away into time and space again
and just as soon, they're gone
they're taking the future with them
yet fires linger in their wake,
and troubles arise wherever they come

how they seem always on the look-out
never seek absolutes, never settle down
determined to find answers in the dust
where there's light there's hoping
and a sheer desire to travel up and on
a joy from adventures that'll never rust

the open seas are their territory
boundaries never form their ties
don't grow tired from the searching
find themselves surprised and stirred
most prices high, the costs severe,
but profits too are in the making

there's the fright, following excitement
and the pleasure of a rescue and solution
as further fates and coincidences mesh
then to fly once more into the vortex
and face new armies, raise the bars
so you view the universes more afresh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Det er helt fint når Doktoren får en poetisk vinkling...du burde bli referert i engelske aviser snart syns jeg...