Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"Are you disrespectin' me?!"

Another section on;

Photo: property of BBC, all rights served,
digitally edited and touched up by Scaramouche.
Self-proclaimed half-non-expert of Photoshop.

Blimey. Ain't it though! And look at that face...no, she ain't bovvered...she is well cool! ;) Yeah, I love her...and have been watching her sketches all day...improves my English too, seeing that she always plays on these English words, literally, and she uses all these popular cultural references which I can relate to...Plus, I actually understand more of English slang after having listened to her...It's just swell when people dare to be sooo politically incorrect and charmingly controversial. In addition, she's quite intelligent and has an eye for what goes on in society. What's cooking, like they say. I think everyone will be able to recognize bits of themselves in what she portrays, even though she may sometimes cross the line to offensive....or border on it...but she recovers and she talks her way out of it...! She never goes TOO far, in my opinion. Besides, no-one can babble about well-written nonsense like the Great Tate! Listen to her Shakespeare-interpretation in the Red Nose Day-thingie - she's the master! - or in the Dominic West-featuring thingie about a silly movie-production where Catherine's character is an actress who loses herself to the role and starts impersonating...and improvising...gives a whole new meaning to the term off-script!...aah, and I love it...The mimicry! The variation! When she addresses serious, political and social issues with such an ironic twist and amazing, sharp edge... I can't help admiring that talent...and the guts! The spirit of this woman! Numerous priceless sketches galore in her Show-universe, and I just had to post a pic. Ain't she amazing! No wonder she was allowed to make a fool out of Tony Blair...and herself, for that matter...the least pompous and selv-centred person ever, and according to a reliable source (Brian May) she's really nice and friendly too. He's met her. And he's a fan, of course. Wait, did I mention that? Oh, never mind. Important stuff requires repetition!

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