Friday, April 27, 2007

Soppy Articles

...based on something I wrote in Norwegian a long time ago, yet again based on Samuel Beckett's Endgame, and which I decided to continue writing on then became further inspired by James Bond and his Vesper, of all things (well, actually, that came quite naturally to me), and somehow further inspired by the suddenly-fashionable Frankenstein and even more by WftB. Again. I spend my resources and I spend them reasonably - well.

[så underlig
når mennesker forsvinner
og deres pust tar slutt]

"I let her go" - the Venice Finale
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, a bit more soppy than she ought to be - for her own good.

quite - remarkable
when people fade to re-appear
and breathing comes to end

a last kiss; your arms
folded around my neck
before they fall back
and may grow listless

impressions; oh how I
wish you could remember, you
just won't bestir yourself
in spite of my frantic efforts

increasing coldness, the
sense of an oncoming gap;
that everything pervades
then floats off and is lost

for the true nature of any
relationship, was never
measured by promises
spoken last, but always by

an ice-blue gaze; wide-open,
as though she saw deep
into and far within, I
felt her tightening grip,

gasping, then slowly giving in,
and spotted soon the faintest
inkling of a dying smile and
words I need not say out loud

and I thought I'd never
see revealed, this notion
I resent with misery, that
this is how I let her go

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