Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Life on a dark side

"Living people" - a draft - for Regina Spektor
...and my mother, who came up with the idea of "levende mennesker som er de eneste som viser virkelige følelser"...here's to you! ;)
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, and discoverer of sweet downfalls [Samson]...this one will be up for some further, late-night editing - even later on - but for now, here's the draft:

We are living people, we are bound by lives
We hold a destructive closeness to our hearts
Fragile fragments, that's what we are
That's what has made us what we are

Emotionally, synonymously, unknown or well acknowledged
Furiously, anonymously, bared and naked or well equipped

We go down, amongst wells of our own blood
And whenever, when you never understand
The alliance, the commitment, if you love them let it go
what you conceal inside your secrets, be it not for anyone

And it devours me to turn my insides out, but likewise;
feeling nothing would leave me feeling the same
There is no good in being a pleasant liar, or a blissful one
play it carelessly cool; it'll make you just a careless fool

Fatefully follows disaster, hand in hand with joy
We are living people, we'll deal with it as it proceeds
Suit yourself, with your maroons and your balloons
Call forth danger; I welcome it out of pride, and spite

The walls behind which you hide, I breach through
Voices you convert to, happily, I break myself of, easily,
Run! Under the sofa, sheltered, or wherever you find suitable
Voracious windfalls were for living people long ago reserved

We are living people and we suffer, in silence or in public
We may die, accidentally, we may kill for love
We may be killed, due to loving, we may starve
But most of all, we live fully, as it comes, and as it goes

We live.
And there's not more to living than living life itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hadde du ikke vært slikt et levende menneske, hadde du ikke skrevet dikt som du gjør det - og du hadde ikke vært slikt et teatermenneske som det du er...