Friday, April 27, 2007

Lookie! Bookie!

"The Magistrate" - another one for Coetzee - and myself.
By Scaramouche, the po(t)et, who LOVES "Waiting for the Barbarians" - continuously; it's very distracting - and, also, performing a sort-of-celebration for reasons I won't reveal just now, or ever. It just ain't necessary.

knowledge is a brute
its absence no less shocking
disturbance in my air

kinship is determent
its disavowal no less mocking
veer with me, if you dare
said, surely noblemen - them? - hah!
what know then you of pure nobility, no
carnage; that is all you understand and
slaughter, blood, for all you pledge
oh but whatever you employ, it matters not,
to you, a gentleman, well - nah!
what knows then you of gentlemanly protocol,
or cordially invitations, formally betstowed,
you fuckers, fools, may sympathize with ignorance,
for that is such you handle well; that satisfies the like of you,
the wisdom that is soon denied, and camouflaged;
by proper men, and proper masculinity; oh - ta'!
there is but nothing here that one could name was true of manlihood,
yet must I speak, shall I declare,
there'll come a day when it recovers; until then - be off!


Anonymous said...

Jeg prøver å lytte mellom linjene men her er jeg ikke helt sikker.... men å lese dette blir som en melodi i øre...vakkert er det.

Anonymous said...

Jeg leser og leser og har det så fint mens jeg leser men jeg tror jeg leser noe litt trist og tungsindig mellom linjene og trenger kanskje litt du er god til å finne dype ord og vendinger..